[quote=@Kouki] Movable floorboard!? What is this, the Four Seasons!? I don't know how ninja's are doing it [b]now a days[/b] but back when Holden was having the fundamentals beaten into him instead of going to daycare he was taught actual skills, not to rely on such [i]unnecessary[/i] [u][b]luxuries[/b][/u]. Anyone who can't kill 4 intruders in less than ten seconds with the kunai under their tatami is someone who shouldn't have a tatami in the first place. Seriously...a chandelier, really... Ninjas today, they're all so soft... *pulls his pants up [b]higher[/b] under his armpits and goes off to [b]make[/b] prune juice [b]from scratch[/b].* I believe this is where I drop the proverbial mic, yes? [/quote] when the white characters think they're the most badass ninja >.> [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c5d02d41f13cbabb64aacf9d141440e/tumblr_inline_o8zso2nl9O1til9cs_500.gif[/img] [sub][i]guy is judging you[/i][/sub]