[hr][hr][color=00ff99][h1][center]Sutton Smith[/center][/h1][/color][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/1067813f53f3d9c9a9ffb15fbccddaed/tumblr_inline_n4if46zN8w1qgp297.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Jake's Interacting With: Liam Matthews [@Pundii], Mitsukuri Katsumi [@BlueSky44][/center][hr][hr]Sutton frowned a bit. After greeting the new customer, said new customer looked like she had aimed a gun at her, and the news caster fell out of his seat, as if she had shot that gun at him. [i]Is there something in my teeth?[/i] Sutton wondered, attempting to glance at something reflective out of the corner of her eye. [color=686F91][b]"What in the name of christ..."[/b][/color] Sutton chuckled uneasily. [color=00ff99]"Never knew our coffee to have [i]that[/i] much of a kick in it... Good thing you didn't order it Irish, if this is how you react to it."[/color] [color=007236]"Hai, onegai...I am sorry for that, no one usually says things like that to me. I was trying to say yes, I would like a cup of coffee please."[/color] Smiling a bit, Sutton nodded and poured another mug. [color=00ff99]"Don't worry about it, kid. I spent most of my childhood in Germany and Peru--completely understand what you're going through.[/color] [color=686F91][b]"I uh, i'm sorry, just thought I saw something and got a fright,"[/b][/color] Liam exhausted, righting himself and the stool. Sutton raised an eyebrow at him. She had assumed he was collected, and that he wasn't into all of the apocalypse bullshit. Still, he was a paying customer. Taking his money, she smiled at him kindly, and passed the mug over to the kid a moment later. [color=00ff99]"Don't be getting soft of me, now,"[/color] Sutton teased, before turning her attention to the newcomer. [color=00ff99]"So what's your story kid? I haven't seen you around before. I'm [i]guessing[/i] you're from Japan?"[/color] Sutton glanced up at the clock. She'd have to decide whether or not to go to the meeting. Everyone in town would be in attendance, and to not show up might ostracize her later from her customers. As much as she hated to indulge in the crazy, she couldn't jeopardize any future tips. And besides, she figured she might as well keep an eye on the newscaster. He seemed to have lost a screw or something, what with his talk about seeing something and falling off a stool with one of the loudest yelps she'd ever heard. [hr][hr][center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/h9zxjum6t/media_header.png[/img] [img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/1242440c-2c61-4f29-8fda-cc4b0016b41a/7f534dbc-3536-4267-91db-9fd6777ac9f4.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][color=pink]"This just in--a massive power outage has occurred in Altsoba. The hospital has resorted to using car batteries in order to run the life support units, with the rest of the city holding their breath. We were unable to get a comment from the mayor at this moment,"[/color] Amelia Pilkvist announced, holding a calculated gaze towards the camera. [color=pink]"In other news, a forest fire has broke out in King County, quickly heading towards Altsoba County. Local tribes are calling it the work of Nihasa, the Native American term for devil. This coincides with the sermon given earlier by the Pope, in which he urged the citizens of Altsoba to leave the town, or be burned by God's wrath."[/color] Amelia took a moment to pause, as live footage of the fires appeared on the screen. The smoke was visible for miles, stretching unknown heights. Massive lines of cars clogged up the roads, as families desperately attempted to escape the scourged landscape. Accidents were increasing in number by the minute, and local fire departments unable to do more, with the flames seemingly growing larger with their each and every effort. [color=pink]"At this time, we here at World News Now would like to urge the residents of Altsoba to use the utmost precaution. We'll be right back after this commercial."[/color] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nojWJ6-XmeQ]Commercial[/url][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] The weather is changing, with the humidity increasing along with the heat. Residents have started to mingle at the Town Center, looking for the mayor, and waiting for the events to begin. Of course, there's still at least thirty minutes to go, but they can't be blamed. It could very well be their last day on earth. Whispers go around the crowd of a beast in the woods, with others swearing up and down that the devil himself possessed them the previous day. Are you terrified or intrigued? Do you push your way to the front of the crowd when you arrive, assuming you arrive at all? Do you frantically listen to each bit of gossip, or are you more curious about how the press got those generators--they look hospital grade, after all. Whatever you are doing, no that it cannot save you. There is nothing that can prevent the inevitable, for you are in the hands of something greater than yourself. Hopefully, it lets you live. [@Lady Amalthea] [@Sohtem]: Danica's cramps continue to get progressively worse, and strange burns are appearing on Elizabeth's skin. Hopefully, you make it out of the woods and get some medical attention, as Elizabeth's bite wound isn't looking pretty. You aren't all too far from the hospital, luckily. Still, getting some help might be a good idea. [@Lady Amalthea]: Amy has rather bad luck today, it seems. Heading out to the parking lot, some of the street preachers and resident psychos are warning those entering and leaving of the need to repent. Seeing her irritated eyes (quite understandably irritated), they [i]freak.[/i] One of them, dressed with all the class and flair of a hobo, attacks Amy with a small pair of scissors, the kind used by 1st graders. [@Witch Cat]: Daniyal's safe inside of his house, but there's a bit of a fuss going on outside. A group of "true believers" are parading down Grant road, blaring a trumpet and screaming for each person to repent. The noise is practically deafening, but no one seems to be doing anything about it. Most of your neighbors left town a few days ago. [@Pundii] [@BlueSky44] [@Morose]: No more Jedi mind tricks are going on, fortunately. It seems that Liam's vision was just a one-time thing. Or at least, we can hope... [@Morose] [@BlueSky44]: For Vivian and Zachary, a buruburu manifests itself in the station. These spirits feed off of fear, and infect people with "ghost sickness." If infected, the victim becomes more and more panicked, until dying of a heart attack. Vivian is infected-- Zachary is not. [@Morose]: After he finishes praying, the Reverend hears a strange noise coming from the garage. Better go investigate. Once entering the garage, he'll notice that nothing seems amiss, and his car is just as he left it. [@Pirouette]: Nothing strange happens, though, given that Elisse is a ghost, she herself is strange. Most people here at the Town Center are a bit early, but one may stand out in particular to you. A rather gorgeous woman makes her way through the crowd, a picture of the surgeon at the hospital, Amy Chang, in her hands. The woman glances over at you, her eyes flashing a peculiar shade of silver. If the eyes didn't tip you off already, you develop a strange notion that whatever she is, she [i]definitely[/i] isn't human.