[color=a2d39c]"Nyoro~n."[/color] Orchid said dejectedly. Parum was right, but Orchid was still sadden that he couldn't skin the kobolds right now. Still, nothing to dwell over. She said he could do it later, so he'll be back later. For now there were other pressing issues to attend to. Parum asked Orchid to tie up one of the kobolds, so he went over to the kobold in question and did so. Putting away his machete, Orchid bound the unconscious creature the same way he would bound any other small animal on a hunt; limbs tied behind their back, their claws unable to cut the ropes that bound them. The more they struggled the more uncomfortable they'd be. And for good measure, Orchid used some rope to shut the kobold's maw. He also made sure to remove any weapons and other equipment from the kobold before slinging him over Orchid's shoulder. He didn't know what Parum wanted to do with the small creature, so for now Orchid would hold onto it. He walked up to one of the dead kobolds and jerked his harpoon out of it's abdomen. Putting the harpoon away Orchid also decided to preemptively take his shield out. There could be more danger, and it'd be helpful if he had a bit of extra protection against flying rocks. When he returned to the group Trear said something about defying the caravan master's orders. Orchid came in a bit too late to hear the full thing, but from what Parum and the other warrior was saying, they were going to help the village out. Orchid agreed to this. [color=a2d39c]"Orchid will fight for village. Kill for village! We go fast. Not safe to fight with village people here."[/color] Orchid motioned towards the children. While he was entirely willing, and indeed has recently proven, to be willing to fight and die for the village of Greenest, it'd be most helpful if they could get the noncombatants out. The last thing Orchid wants to deal with is a hostage situation.