So...I am literally fallin asleep here. Wanted to throw up a big ol chunka what I've wrote so far-not gonna like though, I really gotta reread/edit this im the mornin beffore postin before I'm sure its A-OK [hider=WIP?! Maybe?!] Halfway through polishing off her second sixteen ounce hard rootbeer (she hated beer but could never get enough hard soda) a sudden tremor rocked the poorly maintained dirt baseball diamond Slugger found herself sitting in alone. The first tremor was quickly followed by a second....and then another. The ground shook gently enough that Slugger felt rather confident that she was ok-whatever was making these manmade tremors was a safe distance from her. Atleast for now. Standing up to her fully less than intimidating size Slugger began to beat away at the brown dirt clinging at her red pinstriped uniform-an act honestly done more out of habit than care fore her clothing. Prioritizing she first gathered up all her empty alcoholic beverages and then went about crushing each can in a rather satisfying way before tossing them into the closest trash can which had been located in the nearest dugout. Quickly makeing her way back to “home plate” she was glad to find that she was indeed sporting a decent buzz despite the events unfolding. She'd deny it if asked outright but lately Sam had fallen into a bit of a habit when it came to what she deemed as“patrol nights”-these nights which were originally meant to almost be a sort of break to Slugger while giving her a way to flex her muscle and put the scare into low level criminals without any real effort. Somehow this geniunley honest and reasonable practice had devolvedHalfway through polishing off her second sixteen ounce hard rootbeer (she hated beer but could never get enough hard soda) a sudden tremor rocked the poorly maintained dirt baseball diamond Sam found herself sitting in alone. The first tremor was quickly followed by a second....and then another. The ground shook gently enough that Sam felt rather confident that she was safe-whatever was making these manmade tremors was a safe distance from her. Atleast for now. Standing up to her fully less than intimidating size Slugger began to beat away at the brown dirt clinging at her red pinstriped uniform-an act honestly done more out of habit than care fore her clothing. Prioritizing she first gathered up all her empty alcholic beverages and then went about crushing each can in a rather satisfying way before tossing them into the closest trash can which had been located in the nearest dugout that happened to be on her right side. Quickly makeing her way back to “home plate” she was glad to find that she was indeed sporting a decent buzz despite the events unfolding. She'd deny it if asked outright but lately Sam had fallen into a bit of a habit when it came to what she deemed as“patrol nights”-these nights which were originally meant to almost be a sort of break to Slugger while giving her a way to flex her muscle and put the scare into low level criminals without any real effort. Somehow this geniunley honest and reasonable practice had devolved into an excuse to drink, snort, and smoke just whatever she could get her hands on before turning her attention to some legal punching bags. In an effort to push away the very realization the she herself had slowly started to become what she fought against she did her best to turn her full attention to the full body uniform she wore. It may have been a basic look, just white pants and a shirt with red pinstripes accompanied by a beat up black helmet. In her opinion it was the best outfit she owned. Just like tonight she always seemed to eventually find herself to a baseball field in one way or another-whether that meant breaking into Wrigley Field or simply drinking a beer or two over an unnamed sandlot like the one she sat in tonight didn't matter. There was just something about being surrounded by that dirt and chalk.... Another explosion, rather closer this time, rocked Slugger in her place. Quickly double checking to make sure she had her small aluminum bat (which was conviently jerry rigged to her back with simple clothe having been tied to both the base and a metal doghnut) Like usual she gripped her long wooden louisville slugger tightly in her left hand while a mens baseball was ready to be thrown with deadly accuracy from her right. into an excuse to drink, snort, and smoke just whatever she could get her hands on before turning her attention to some legal punching bags. In an effort to push away the very realization the she herself had slowly started to become what she fought against she did her best to turn her full attention to the full body uniform she wore. It may have been a basic look, just white pants and a shirt with red pinstripes accompanied by a beat up black helmet. In her opinion it was the best outfit she owned. Just like tonight she always seemed to eventaully find herself to baseballfield in one way or another-whether that meant breaking into Wrigley Field or simply drinking a beer or two over an unnamed sandlot like the one she sat in tonight didn't matter. There was just something about being surrounded by that dirt and chalk.... Another explosion, rather closer this time, rocked Slugger in her place. Quickly double checking to make sure she had her small aluminum bat (which was conviently jerry rigged to her back with simple clothe being tied to both the base and a metal doghnut)Like usual she gripped her long wooden louisville slugger tightly in her left hand while a mens baseball was ready to be thrown with deadly accuracy from her right hand. Like a mad woman she ran towards the commotion. [/hider] Edit-I too have drank many hard rootbeers