[h3][color=f7941d]Brent Ignia[/color] and [color=39b54a]Lily Meadows[/color][/h3][b][New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab][/b] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] Well, it was clear that Celes needed some supplies. The disguised Zoroark with Celes on his shoulders, and Devon and his team, started heading back downtown. So, obviously, Brent and Lily followed, with Brent kind of running a bit ahead. [color=f7941d]"The PokeMart is just across the street from the Pokemon Center, it'll be easy to spot once we're there! I know the quickest way there too! Come on!"[/color] He said, taking off down a nearby alley. [color=39b54a]"Hey, wait up!"[/color] Yelled Lily, chasing after him. [b][New Amber Town - Main Street][/b] After a few minutes, the two finally rounded the corner to the Pokemon Center. Brent pointed across the street to a dull white building with a blue roof. [color=f7941d]"That's the PokeMart, usually when there's a Pokemon Center in town, there's a place like this to get some supplies... you listening Lily?"[/color] No, she wasn't. Her eyes were caught on another sight, there seemed to be a heated battle going on, right on the Pokemon Center Battlefield. [color=39b54a]"Wow, they really look into that battle... and those are Johto Pokemon too!"[/color] She said, pulling out her new Pokedex. She held it up to the first Pokemon in battle. [i][color=ed1c24]"Typhlosion, the Volcano Pokemon, and the final evolved form of Cyndaquil. Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that it creates using its intensely hot flames. This Pokémon creates blazing explosive blasts that burn everything to cinders."[/color][/i] Then she held it up to the second Pokemon. [i][color=ed1c24]"Espeon, the Sun Pokemon, and one of the evolved forms of Eevee. Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm."[/color][/i] Following this, the two trainers were now focused on this battle. Typhlosion's Trainer called out. [color=f7976a]"Typhlosion, Flamethrower!"[/color] Espeon's trainer reacted. [color=f49ac2]"Espeon, Psybeam!"[/color] The two attacks hit each other in mid air, creating a small explosion. [color=f7976a]"Keep up the attack, Flame Wheel!"[/color] Called out Typhlosion's Trainer, and out of the smoke came Typhlosion cloaked in a spinning wheel of fire. [color=f49ac2]"Dodge it, quick! Then counter with Swift!"[/color] Called out the Espeon's Trainer. The battle continued back and forth for several minutes, until finally both Pokemon seemed exhausted. [color=f7976a]"Alright, I think both of our Pokemon have hit their limit for today, you're pretty strong."[/color] Said Typhlosion's Trainer, walking onto the battlefield next to his Pokemon. Espeon's Trainer did the same. [color=f49ac2]"Same to you, it was great battling with you. My name's Sakura by the way."[/color] She held out her hand in a handshake. [color=f7976a]"Mine's Jimmy, glad to meet you. I haven't had a battle that good in a long time!"[/color] The two looked around at the small crowd that had gathered. [color=f7976a]"Well, looks like we drew quite a crowd, Marina would have loved this."[/color] He said, scratching the back of his head. [color=f7941d]"Wow, that was intense! To think Cyndaquil, you could be that strong someday..."[/color] He shook his head and looked over to Lily. [color=f7941d]"We kind of got sidetracked, didn't we? Well, guess we should get Celes her supplies, right?"[/color] He said, looking over his shoulder.