[center][h1]A Collab Between Heat and FantasyChic[/h1][/center] [hr] It was almost too easy. What little security the family had, it was easily circumvented by her devices. She nabbed what she could and left her signature calling card in the safe. The man of the house deserved it, while his wife spent time at her charitable organizations and helped the unfortunate, he went around buying cheap tricks and dealing in hard drugs, especially to little kids. The city was already a hell hole, it didn't need the extra help. Once she safely made it out the window she hopped up on the nearest rooftop and prepared to make her way home. The streets were still quiet as Vindicator walked through the street, he turned down an alleyway in silence. The pain in his face had gone from his encounter with Galahad and his sidekick. He was on his way home, but was in no hurry. As he moved in a brisk pace along the sidewalk he noticed a figure emerge from a window in a building across the street. He paused in stride as the stranger jumped onto a rooftop. Mason smirked underneath his helmet, not many ordinary criminals moved with that type of finesse, it was more like a cat burglar you'd see in an old movie than a modern day idiotic thief. He moved towards the building the figure had hopped onto, and noticed a walkway on one side of it. Vindicator pulled himself up the ladder, then began to scale up it as he moved towards the top. His sturdy metal boots clanked against the steps as he jogged up them. As Vixen moved forward she heard the sound of clanking metal. Someone was coming up on the roof, it seemed. A curious onlooker maybe? The police? She laughed at that last thought, the police wouldn't be out and about doing anything, they were more crooked than the man she just robbed. Still, she had to be careful. She could probably take whoever it was, unless it was some big, muscle coming, then she may have to make a quick getaway. Either way, she was amused. Two run ins in one night. She wondered if this person was as cute as the Blue Eagle she ran into earlier that night. Vindicator reached the top of stairwell, as he came onto the rooftop he saw the figure and noticed that they were a woman. One dressed in a strange costume that indicated they were not just some simple street criminal. He then wondered if it was one of those illegal vigilantes, but why would they be exiting a building like before in such a hurry. It was a curious situation. "Woah there, slow down. Why are we in such a hurry?" Vindicator exclaimed, as he stared at the woman from underneath his helmet. She noted the man that came up. His suit was more shinier than Blue Eagle's and it seemed more hi-tech. She couldn't she the man's face, which she assumed was the whole point of it. Still, it tickled her that she ran into two masked men in one night, when all other nights she usually was alone. "Why, it's late. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how dangerous it is to be on the streets late at night. I'd ask the same of you, but I think I can assume given your ensemble that you are out and about for other various tricks. Am I right?" she said with a sly grin. Vindicator took another step towards her, then stood as he looked her over a little closer. She had stopped, which was what he hoped. He didn't exactly feeling like chasing a woman in a much lighter outfit than his across rooftops. He listened to her words, and wondered if she knew who he was. "Yes, it's especially dangerous late at night if you're a beautiful woman. But you look like you can handle yourself," Mason said, as he matched her grin. "I am indeed up to something, you could call it a patrol. You can call me Vindicator, what can I call you?" This little interaction between them amused her greatly, so much so she decided to stick around a bit longer. She could have made a break for it, easily, but how often was it that she got to talk to someone that didn't want her dead? "You can call me whatever you want, baby. But if a name is what you desire, you may call me Vixen. I am sure you've heard of me, or am I being too modest?" she said with a purr. She walked over towards him, but not close enough, she had to maintain some boundaries. "Yes, I can handle myself. A girl these days needs to have some protection. You say you're on patrol? Am I to assume you are after some wrong-doers?" "I am after 'wrong-doers', Vixen," Vindicator replied, smiling at the words. He wasn't doing it out of the stereotypical reasons. "Unfortunately I have not heard of you, should I have? Are you another crime fighting vigilante? Or something else? Have you heard of me? I am somewhat well known around the city." "Well it seems my reputation doesn't precede me. Ah well" she shrugged, "Let's see...I may have heard of you before, but I know SO many people." She spun around a bit, "As for my outfit, I guess you could call me a vigilante, of sorts. Better than the other names everyone else has for me." She looked back at the man's eyes, or what she assumed were his eyes, "So let's be real, what brings you up to my rooftop? Surely I'm not in trouble, am I?" she said with pleading eyes. Mason smirked at Vixen's words, it seemed she was well traveled around the city. He would have to ask his handler about her when he saw the man, perhaps she had an outstanding high paying warrant for her capture. "Well, I saw you emerge from a nearby building and make a break for the rooftops. Unless that's your home then I think you might have been breaking into there. See I'm in accordance with the Vigilance Accord, I have no secret identity. I'm technically supposed to bring in anyone suspected of crimes. Might you have been commiting one?" Vindicator asked her as he crossed his arms. He didn't exactly want to have to handcuff her and drag her all the way down for arrest. He was still pretty tired from his scuffle with Galahad and his buddy. She sensed the situation was getting a little warmer than she wanted, so she backed a bit towards the roof edge, just in case, "Ah, the Vigilance Accord. Twice I've heard that today. Well, if you must know, that is indeed not my home, but that of a very bad man. A man I am sure your little organization knows all about. Or not. Either way, I was paid for a job, and I did it. If working my job is a crime, then arrest me now," she said as she put her wrists out playfully, "Not all crime fighters go along with the societal norms, you know. Surely, a man like yourself has bigger fish to worry about than some woman on a rooftop? Not that I don't love the attention." "Honestly I can't fault you for doing a job like that, especially if the man you stole from is a bad one. I get paid for my work as government employed vigilante, it's not the only reason I do this, but it helps to pay the bills." Vindicator said, then reached both of his hands upwards as he twisted the bottom of his helmet. Then Mason lifted it off to reveal his face, he looked upon Vixen with his face uncovered. He wasn't sure why he did it, but his real identity was known and he had nothing to hide, or to protect besides himself. "I just had a much stranger encounter with a man dressed like the Black Knight from that old Monty Python film and his as oddly dressed sidekick. Avoid him if you see him, he has a temper. I honestly need a drink after something like that." Mason said with a smirk. He wondered if she knew about Galahad, if she did then he might be able to extract some information from her. If she didn't, then no harm done. She had to admit, she didn't expect the man to remove his helmet. Now she saw who she was. She didn't recognize him, of course, but it was a simple matter of taking a picture of him with her own mask and searching for him. "My, how handsome. I hope you don't expect me to reveal myself. This is our first date, after all. I'm not that kind of girl," she said with a smile. She felt a bit more at ease, but still, that could be part of his game. "A Black Knight you say? How medieval. I do believe I know of the man you speak of, but only by reputation. I never had any dealings with him or his sidekick. No the man I met before called himself the Blue Eagle. I got the feeling he isn't part of your Accord, but I could be wrong." "Yes, medieval was the perfect word for him. Galahad was his name, it's a shame you only know him by reputation. He did assault a 'legal' vigilante, it's a serious crime. I have heard of the Blue Eagle and he's not aligned with the Accord," Mason said as he smiled at the compliment and her words. "Did he try to attack you or something? It would be a shame if he tried to hurt such a pretty thing." "No he didn't. In fact, just the opposite. We had a nice chat, much like we're having now." She received a little bleep on her headset and noticed hse had a message from her contact. She would have to leave soon, but she couldn't help herself, she was having fun and it wasn't often she had fun after the job was done. "So I believe we're at a stand still here. Are we enemies? Friends? I won't hide what I did tonight as I do take pride in my work, but if anything what I did was harmless to everyone except the man in that house." "Friends. I am not going to arrest you, I doubt I knew the man you took from and even if I do then it's his fault for not getting better security. If anything it'll teach him a lesson, one he should know from living in such a rough city." Mason said, as he clenched his helmet in one of his hands, it felt nice once in awhile to feel the fresh air on his face. She nodded her approval and smiled then, "All right. It seems I'm destined to meet a bunch of handsome men and then have to leave them, but I do need to meet my contact soon if I want to get paid. I'd say the pleasure was mine, but I know it was more yours," she said with a flirty grin. "Perhaps we will meet again, Vixen. I can only hope as much." Mason said as he returned the flirty grin. She nodded again and waved a bit, before she turned tail and lept off the rooftop towards the other one. She began pacing away, but not before she took one last look at Vindicator and blew him a kiss. After that, she hopped down to street level and was off to her meeting point. The night was definitely her most interesting to date. Mason watched the woman leap to another rooftop, another smile on his face at the blown kiss. As she disappeared into the night he stuck his helmet back on then exited the same way he had come up the rooftop. Vindicator returned to his apartment then promptly removed his costume so that he could think over the odd night he just had.