[center] [i] [h3] [color=mediumslateblue] ♪ Dayo Layeni ♪ [/color] [/h3] [color=Violet]♪ Movement One: Prelude ♪[/color] [/i] [hr] [/center] As he stumbled through the doorway that had been disguised as a mirror, Dayo looked in awe at the clouds that surrounded him. He was flying, floating in the clouds! Maybe he was a wizard after all! He was still holding his deceased mother's umbrella in one hand and his teddy bear Orion in the other. Despite being fourteen years old, he loved that bear to pieces. Hoping to fulfill a childhood fantasy, Dayo reached out towards a cloud, in hopes of being able to taste it. He knew it was a scientific impossibility, but- ...a piece broke off. It tasted like bubble gum. Why did it taste like bubble gum?! It was supposed to be WATER! Floaty, puffy, cotton-candy-looking WATER! [color=mediumslateblue]"This is a scientific impossibility,"[/color] Dayo said calmly to nobody in particular, and paused to rethink his entire existence. Was science all a lie? Was he being lied to his whole life? Nah, this must be a dream, right? As he pondered the nature of truth, he noticed that the clouds seemed to be getting closer. This was odd: had they been moving towards him this whole time? Hey, wait a second, he wasn't flying... He was falling. So he did what any rational person would do given this revelation: he screamed like a madman and flapped his arms like a wounded goose. [color=mediumslateblue]"I don't wanna die,"[/color] he moaned, half of him wondering if his sister would miss him when he was supposed to be helping her make dinner, while the other half wondered if the dirt would taste like chocolate. Then he got a stupid idea. It was so dumb, so daft, so ridiculous, but the ground was becoming more and more visible and Dayo wasn't eager to get up close and personal. The altitude must have been making him giddy. He opened his mother's umbrella, shut his eyes, and hoped it'd work like it did in cartoons. Maybe someone would get a laugh out of his gory death when he failed and died, or at least a free umbrella. When he floated, he knew that the world had lost its marbles. Sure enough, the umbrella behaved like a parachute, and soon he was falling at a nice, leisurely speed. Confused, dazed, and feeling totally disoriented, Dayo floated down to the ground, pleased... ...then let go of the umbrella too early and landed on his bottom outside the Hatter estates. This had been a weird day, Dayo summarized mentally. Also, the dirt did not taste like chocolate.