[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=131583&s=25&t=Tina%20Louise%20Lancaster&c=FF66FF[/img][/center] Tina was now pissed off as she saw the mess made by the Raiders and the fact that they were now falling victim to the walkers they'd let in and while vengeance was a powerful drive it paled by comparison when she saw the others of her group retreating. She popped a couple more then ran towards her tool bag she'd left where she'd been working when the raid started. When she arrived at her tools it was well ahead of the walkers and because of her normally obsessive tendency to never have more than the tools needed out sweeps those up and painfully dumps them inside the work bag planing on the first safe stop putting them in their proper place. Then as she shoulders the bag she checks both weapons assuring they are fully loaded with one jacked in. Of course she knew they were but better safe than short. Engines cranking alert her to either the Raiders taking their vehicles or an evacuation or perhaps they were celebrating. God she hated that she hadn't yet presented a plan on evacuation and an all clear signal. Tina was a girl of planning, of order and this world was her nightmare. She stepped outside an saw two men not from her group swing a tire iron trying to shatter the Beast's polycarbonate door window only to have it bounce of barely even scuffing the surface but still enraging the big blue machine's mistress. She drops them both without warning with her pistol and is surprised when an arrow punctures her left bicep. It falls out revealing it's self as a practice arrow but still renders her left arm numb; to bad for the A-hole that she's right handed like almost everyone else and puts a 45 through his brain as he's scrambling to string another arrow. •Dam that is going to really hurt in about an hour• she thinks calculating that she has about that amount of useful time due to her adrenaline levels. Trailer still hooked up Tina pulls out her phone slash smart controller and sends the warmup procedure to the modified diesel. Then she punches in the door code on her phone that unlocks the doors as she checks the area around the truck. Once she's cleared the exits the wounded Tina climbs in saying "Quick Start New Boy" using the dash computer voice control an code phrase. While waiting for the engine to reach prime operating temperature she snaps open her knife and cuts open the shirt an examines the wound. It is a circular puncture about an inch and a half deep oozing blood at a small but steady rate which tells her that she's wounded but not critical. The later realization comforts her because she'd have been forced to think immediately of burning the injury closed. This wound will hurt, heal and leave an ugly scar but she will survive if she packs it with jell and a contact bandage. Then as efficiently as she dose any task Tina patches herself up then engages the Beast's transmission and moves towards the main area where the other vehicles are parked.