Undisclosed Location, Nyctari Territory Reinhard sat at his desk, adjusting the bandages that covered his face. He would clack his teeth lightly, drawing in a dry breath of air. He didn't really need to breath, nor need air, but, for some reason, he still continued to do so. His service pistol was on the table, currently taken apart in order to clean it. The fan above him spun methodically, creating a cool drafting of air, though it made no real difference to him. Across for Reinhard sat a Ljósálfar female, still valiantly struggling against the bindings that held her in place. In a dry, irritated voice, he spoke out to the woman. "Its of no use to fight any more Fraulein. You and your bodyguards have lost... at least I have chosen to spare you for the time being. Your guards, not so much." He steepled his fingers, whilst looking at the Elf. She had a black eye, and a split lip, along with a few other bruises, but such can not be helped when capturing someone. "Your magic will not work here, no matter how much you pray, try, and resist, it will not work. Your kind are far too predictable, Fraulein, too easy to outvit. No doubt you are used to dealing with the more run of ze mill type of dead, and Vampires. I am neither, and you will soon learn why that is so." He sighed, a dry airy raspy sigh. "Let me tell you a story, one that you may have heard from a certain point of view, but perhaps not from mein." He stood up, and walked over to the other side of his desk, sitting atop the desk, looking the Elf directly in her eyes. She stared back, hateful and angry, still thinking and trying to find a way out, a means of escape, holding onto the embers of hope. "You know the Holocaust, yes? You've heard the stories, of all the dead, the Antisemitism, final solution, blah blah blah? Yes, of course you have, who hasn't? You can't go anywhere without people reminding one another just how great of a job you did, stopping the killing. Von sing is, you are very wrong as to the purpose behind this systematic eradication of an entire people... or perhaps groups of people." He smiled, the dry dead skin of his face tightening, making the smile seem much more unsettling than a normal smile would. "You can smell it, I see how your wrinkle your nose at the stench, the aroma. You have been taught your whole life what it is, how to avoid it. The taint of the other side, of Hell. Why else do you think I am alive, after all these years? I can tell you know what I am speaking about, and better yet, I can see how much it scares you, even if you sit there all fight and no humility." He removed the bandages from around his face, letting them fall to the table beside him. He smiled again, letting out a low cackle of malicious amusement. The Elf leaned back in her chair, trying to keep her distance from Reinhard. The wave of demonic energy that came off of him was nauseating, it was choking and painful, at least it was to the Elf. Reinhard's eyes were glowing a bright green, the sockets where a normal set of eyes would be occupied a set of seemingly glowing orbs. "As you can see... I am not like the others you have come across foolish Elf. Now you fully understand what I am, you will begin to see the full scope of everything, and why I have spared you." He stood up, moving now to stand behind the Elf, placing his hands on her shoulders. She tried to move away, but how far could one really move when tied to a chair. "The Black Sun Society was instrumental in coordinating the movement of all that fuel, of all those human sacrifices. Six million Jews, a million other undesirables, the Untermench. Of course, they said it was because we hated them, that they were inferior, but no, the real reasons were far darker, Fraulein. Far, far darker. The dark secrets we learned, the foul things we did... it was all for the greatness of the Reich, and for the Black Sun." He paused, leaning down to have his face next to the Elf's. "Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Dachau, you called them concentration camps, but to me, they were sacrificial alters. Great fuel depots for what we had to do, what we wanted to do. Why do you think we almost won the Battle of the Bulge? Hmm? The only reason you won was that we had our hands tied up until the very end, we were feared as much as we were valuable. So Elf, tell me, what makes you think you know anything?" Reinhard stood back up, fixing his uniform before returning to his chair. "Your blood is far more powerful than you have ever known Elf... far more powerful then even ten thousand humans. Your guards, they were of great use to me, but you, Fraulein, you are of even greater use to me. Blood magic, and demon magic, these powerful magics are the gateway to the future. And you, you will help me achieve these goals. You are alive because I allowed it, and because I need you as much as you need me. The Vampire, they hate your kind, the two guards were payment for you... so when I tell you to be thankful, and to submit, remember, there are fates far worse than death."