[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Zer0D7um[/color] [/h1][b]Genesis, Sanctuary, Pyre.[/b][/center] Shane listened to the video transmission getting a big grin when the level cap got removed, and he liked the idea of being able to request stuff without having to spend in-game money. He thought about what he would ask for in return for taking down the cyber terrorists, and he thought maybe a better E-sports team. He chuckled quietly at the thought no he liked his team and he hopes they aren't dead because he hasn't gotten any replies from his messages he sent but maybe that's because they are avoiding logging in. Yeah that must be the reason right? When the transmission ended everyone started to introduce themselves some were excellent like the Sensei guy. But others were not as top notch like Onyx, and soon enough it was his turn to give an introduction. [color=9e0b0f]"Hello comrades I am Shane, and I believe if we work together we all will come out on top of this. For you have the strength of the Motherland on your side. That is all."[/color] once done Shane thought his introduction could've been better but it should do for now.