As Cuth rose up rather unsteadily, a shade of a smile crept on the man's face. Now that he was standing up, the fact that he was hurt became clearer. His legs had a few gashes on them, but the worst had to be his left arm that was simply hanging limp on his side. "It is good to see that there are still people who seek to aid those in need instead of exploiting their situation", the man said as he waved for the children to follow his lead. "Come on, we need to get moving!" As her husband was taking care of the children for now, Linan took the moment to instruct the party on how to get to the keep: "From here, the fastest way is undoubtedly crossing the first intersection and going right from the next. From that point on, you just cannot miss the keep. It's not far... But that raises the question on whether it is the safest one. One thing is for sure though, we'll need to get moving now!" Having said that, she crept a little closer to Ashkar who had promised to heal people if they were in need and whispered: "Cuth will never admit needing any help, but he is hurt. Perhaps..." but she was cut off by Cuth before he got any further. "I'm fine! They are not going to get as good of a fighter outta me anyway, not with that broken spear being the only weapon. Save your strength warrior, we may yet need it in the future", and with that Cuth returned to helping the children stand up with his uninjured arm. Seemingly defeated, Linan rolled her eyes and pointed her spear at the keep.