[center][img]http://s6.favim.com/orig/150806/anime-boy-dove-kawaii-sad-Favim.com-3067016.png[/img] [h3]Name: [/h3] Albert Mars [h3]Age: [/h3] 22 [h3]Power:[/h3] Angelic wings, these wings allow flight for a short time and the feathers can also be used as weapons. The feathers are extremely dense and will withstand almost any attack. [hider=Wings] Wings in "sleep mode" [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNpzkU7UjCx1x0nlpC6KbUQr5PL3QkWDj-ORXjnUiCtFrzUbMg4g[/img] Wings in flight: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/akamegakill/images/7/7a/MastemaWingsFull.png/revision/latest?cb=20141102191312[/img] Feather attack: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/akamegakill/images/8/83/Runfeather.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141002123151[/img] [/hider] [h3]Bio:[/h3] Albert has, for the most part, lived a very ordinary and straightforward life, but that has quickly changed. One night he was out driving around town with his friend, but their drive came to an abrupt end as the care in front of them sent a shard of god knows what straight through their window, hitting Albert and making him loose focus. Their care soon found itself embedded in a cliffside, but to everyone's surprise, Albert survived and had just minor injuries, his friend, however, wasn't that lucky and was pronounced dead as soon as ambulance drivers found them. The doctors kept Albert under close supervision for almost a week, as they were sure that nobody could escape such a crash with just a few bruises, but eventually they got an answer. During the week in the hospital, black markings started showing up all over Alberts back. The markings looked like some sort of tattoo, but one during one of the doctors many, many tests, Albert for some reason felt panicked and a pair of huge white wings sprouted from his back. The doctors were frightened and tried keeping Albert locked down until they could figure out just wat the hell was going on, but Albert knew that if he stayed he would become some sort of lab rat, so he took his new wings and flew away. He currently resides in a run down hotel.[/center]