[color=blue][b]Hatter~[/b][/color] If there was anything in particular Marcus did not expect while making his way through the town it would have been to hear screaming about death and seeing a boy falling from the sky. Spinning around in a 180 to get a better view he could only chuckle to himself [color=blue] “Cloudy with a chance of teenage hormones. I do believe I’ve heard of this ‘Raining Men’ before.”[/color]. Although, Hatter himself had no way of knowing if men really did rain from the skies of their world. Truthfully, he could not imagine it being practical...making nothing but a mess if they didn't land well. Lifting his hat off his head he grabbed the teacup resting there and gave it a long sip, wondering if the boy was going to splat against the ground or if he too had something up his sleeve. [i]He definitely won’t be able to fly like that. The form is ALL wrong. [/i] The butterflies and the rocking horseflies had a better stance than the flailing figure in the sky. Under the assumption the boy actually would survive it would be the Hatter’s duty to introduce himself. Hatter predicted the projectile would land somewhere in the courtyard, then taking another sip he started on his way. When he was all but sure of the male ‘Alices’ death the boy pulled out an umbrella and floated softly down. Whereas most people would have been confused or wondered why he didn't try to use the object sooner Marcus could only see the irony, laughing to himself, [i] He stopped himself from raining with an umbrella! This boy is mad.[/i] Walking up just in time to see the stranger lick the dirt he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. [color=blue] “This isn’t Katrina’s garden. The ground hear isn’t edible and honestly probably isn’t even that clean….I mean I do shampoo it once a month but it has been some time.” [/color] He was lost in thought for a moment and then remembered his manners. Placing the empty cup back into his hat he placed the fabric back on his head a smile widening across his face, [color=blue]“But you have nothing to fear. See we are all mad here.”[/color] Bowing slightly he added, [color=blue]“The name’s Marcus D. Hatter, just call me Hatter.”[/color]