[color=darkturquoise][h3]Devon Lyton[/h3][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=yellow]Shock the Ampharos[/color], [color=cyan]Cyan the Marill[/color], [color=orangered]Quill the Monferno[/color], [color=DarkOrchid]Missy the Mismagius[/color], [color=fc3862]Nasir the Zoroark[/color] [b][New Amber Town - Main Street][/b] [@Ninian][@Shiny Keldeo] Devon crossed his arms and watched the battle unfold, a sort of wondering stare washing over his face as he watched the two Pokémon skillfully dodged each others attacks and retaliated with powerful counters. [color=darkturquoise]"Shit, that Typlosion and Espeon are crazy strong. I don't think I've ever seen this much back and forth in a casual match...."[/color] The teen's brown eyes followed every move the two fighters made with a content smile. After the battle had concluded, he scanned over the two Trainers as they did their meet and greet in the middle of the arena, Devon pumped his fist. [color=darkturquoise]"That was awesome guys! Good job!"[/color] The crimson hooded Trainer turned away from the battle to nod and Brent. [color=darkturquoise]"Oh, yeah we should do that. Sorry Celes."[/color] Beginning to walk with the rest of the party across the street, the advanced Trainer but his hands behind his head and looked to the sky. [color=darkturquoise]"Ya know what's weird though? I swear I recognize those two Trainers from somewhere. I just can't remember from what though...."[/color]