[center]"I believe all heroes have their "night". Some are glamorous, some epic. Others a small flame that burns through the dry brush of sanity and limits. Some still a torrent that washes all else aside for the desire of justice. The one thing that brings that threads through them all is fortune. A fortuitous opportunity where they are thrust into a world, or--in my case--make the decision to leap, head first, into that insatiable call to Protect and Save." --Feral. Source: Life's 1993 Issue: "In The Shadow of Justice: Vigilantes and Heroes"[/center] [h3]"It All Started Somewhere"[/h3] [hr] [hr] There's a nondescript building in the midst of Larissa, with nothing incredible permeating from its walls, no notable events. Just an 8 story building, taking up half a block, abandoned for half a decade. 30 years old, sturdily built, this building holds no remarkable history. It's open ground floor has been subjected to light graffiti and the occasional homeless person, but that is about it. Across the street from this nondescript building sits a branch of Larissa City Bank. A tribute to old architecture, the bank has been the second largest location of Larissa City Banks for close to 20 years, at the end of the last century, it was infamous for being 'owned' by the local mafia. Where as most things designed and operated by the nouveau riche tend to be gaudy and boisterous, the Larissa City Bank mixed the old with the new tastefully. A touch of modern flair and attention mixed with the classic stoutness of old money. Gothic columns and white mrable pillars adorn the front. The building itself is an embodiment of the power once held in Larissa. Its grandeur taking away from all else around it. Such is the beauty of Larissa. That kind of beauty can tend to attract untoward thoughts and malicious intent. Countless individuals have given into this greed and malcontent, trying to stage heist after heist on the financial monument. Such so that the security and insurance company "Loren & Salander" have personally seen to the safety of such a building against almost any and all attacks, from enemies lurking in the shadows. But what do you do when your enemy strides to the front door? [hr] [hr] [h2]Olympus District: Larissa City Bank 10:49 PM[/h2] Allen Ventus smirked, the glint of his meticulously whitened teeth still shining in the freshly settled night. He held an empty plastic case out which he promptly dropped, a show of his success. [b]"All camera-feed loops have been set,"[/b] he announced. [b]"Next time, give me a task I can actually push myself on."[/b] Ren Garrow game a sall huff of acknowledgement as he stepped forward, crushing the small case. Working with a partner already didn't suit him. And then making it a show-off speedster? He wondered if he'd get any compensation for just killing the partner. But, he wouldn't have to worry long, the job was just about finished. That thought on repeat helped him maintain a level mind. [b]"Good, now we just wait for them to kick in. Client said ten minutes, correct?"[/b] Ventus turned and faced the Larissa City Bank. [b]"Yep. Too bad they don't move as fast as me."[/b] Garrow failed to suppress a grimace. Ventus was too young, not just in years, but in spirit. He thought this was a game. [b]"Just shut up and let me charge,"[/b] he ordered, shoving the 21-year old away from him. At 26, he felt he knew this game, but something didn't feel right. This heist felt...well too straightforward. The pair stood atop that nondescript building across from Larissa City Bank and waited while the last of the non-security personnel left the building. After this night, they'd be a pair of rich men. [h3]---Kalvin---[/h3] [quote=Kal]-That move last time you did at the end? Patriotic. I saluted ;)[/quote] [quote=Trish]-lol, I guess[/quote] [quote=Kal]-Haha, y just I guess? Not an All-American gal?[/quote] [quote=Trish]-Baby, I'm as American as a fly shitting in your apple pie :D. But yeah... prolly bc I didnt think u were THAT good ;P[/quote] [quote=Kal]-Aha! What?? -Oh yeah? Is that a challenge?[/quote] [quote=Trish]-Can you handle one?[/quote] [quote=Kal]-I'll take that as a yes. How about a "re-match"?[/quote] [quote=Trish]-... -Only if we can step it up a notch[/quote] [quote=Kal]-...?[/quote] [quote=Trish]-How many times have you had a girl like me under the stars? ;)[/quote] [quote=Kal]-baby, I dont think I have...what do you have in mind?[/quote] [quote=Trish]-...maybe a rooftop night with beer, bike talk and...other things...?[/quote] [quote=Kal]-I've always been a fan of those...other things.[/quote] [quote=Trish]-Oh good! Meet up at 10:30? I'll send you the address[/quote] [quote=Kal]-Sounds good babe, I hope ur ready[/quote] [quote=Trish]-I always am. It'll be a night for you to remember for sure ;P[/quote] [h3]---Andy---[/h3] *(Tones)* Ringing 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.-- [color=silver]Err..Hi yes, this is Andy Williams[/color] is not available. At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hange up or Press 1 for more options-- *(Beep)* [color=mediumslateblue]" Hello this message is for Andrew Williams. Hi Andy, it's Mackenzie Zales from Dr. Maddison's office. I hope everything has been fine with you, and you know we like seeing you at your best! We apologize at how sudden this is, but Dr. Maddison would like to invite you to a tech opening tonight--er I'm sorry, a pacemaker tech opening tonight. Apparently it's a small unveiling and word from your insurance is that--because it's passed the experimental trial, it's covered by them! Dr. Maddison is friends with spearhead of the project Dr. Yokai and was able to get invited. If you're free tonight at 8, she would love to bring you with her so you can see the tech first hand and possibly decide to get on the waiting list. If anything--don't tell her I said this--it's free food and alcohol, good music and you can totally probably score a to go!--but anyway...she hopes you'll join her. And should you not decline, there'll be a car waiting to pick you up at 8. She says you can call her on her cell for direct contact. Have a good one, Andy!"[/color] *(Click)* [h3]---Miles---[/h3] Mrs. Kasha Davis was [i]not[/i] happy. Her original schedule had her home at least an hour ago at 9, but of course when dealing with those damn Italians, one had better just toss their plans to the wind. She shouldered her bag of red wine bottles and sighed. It couldn't be helped, they made [i]the[/i] best wine in the city and her sangria simply did not tolerate that mass brand nonsense. Mr. Davis had called her a number of times, though after hearing the thinly veiled rage in her voice, he'd kept his pestering to a minimum. "Honestly," she mumbled to herself, heading out of the Little Italy part of town, "who has a computer that glitches for a full hour? Just turn it off and back on again....[i]breeders[/i]". She shook her head furiously, checking off all the things she'd have to move around for tomorrow. The upcoming Sunday brunch could thankfully be saved, but the theme planning time was completely out of the window. "And God kill me if Beverly Lesley comments one more time on my Tuscan themes--I just can't do another Tuscan theme again, can I?" She tuttled on as she went, completely immersed in problems amounting to nothing. "..And God, he's probably going to bring that [i]drunk[/i] Karen. She.....relieved herself in the longhorn skull last time. Can't have that again...But does that mean no sangria?" Almost in response to her question--upon passing an alleyway-- Mrs. Kasha Davis felt a presence beside her and her step faltered. In that instant, a hand reached from the shadows of that alleyway and gripped Mrs. Davis' arm with brute force. The grip [i]hurt[/i] and Mrs. Davis cried out in pain, her voice ringing out from years of stand up performances and stage acting. She was flung to the ground and a slender dark figure darted out ahead of her, her purse in his hands. Well--more of a tote bag--as Mr. Davis alwasy put, poking fun at its almost comically large size. But designer was designer for Mrs. Kasha Davis, and she made sure she got proper mileage out of the piece of the storage. It was amazing the thief moved with such easy, for the bag was pretty heavy. It was currently filled with her personal effects and most preciously-- "MY WINE!" she bellowed, scrabbling to her feet. "My sangria! Oh God....MY BRUNCH!" rage met her as she took off one of her shoes and darted to the edge of the alley, poised to put her college shot put years and All-Girls State Finals aim to good use. But the perp was already fading into the distance. The further he got, the larger her frustration. Until just a few sparse seconds later... "Which way did he go? Don't worry, I got 'im!"