[b]Totalist Union. Sector 0001. Centre System. Totalist Centre.[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/52/c5/7f/52c57f4cd731f39c4169f6b27e498fda.jpg[/img] The planet was the heart of the Totalist Union, the first to be colonized by the fleet of exiles and refugees fleeing from the Imperium so many centuries ago. At that time, the Centre was a rugged world of humid mountains covered by rainforest, originally called “Zemlya Natalia” by the original colonists. Not that many people within the State knew that, the Party saw no point in sharing this information with the masses, or even amongst itself. And if one were to look at the planet now, inhabited by many billions of men and women toiling endlessly under the watchful gaze of Party, one would be hard pressed to imagine the tropical paradise that the Centre once was. Looming over the vast industrial parks and habitation areas, built into one of the last remaining mountain ranges of the Centre, was the Party Headquarters, colloquially known also as the Mountain Lair. A colossal complex that both covered and penetrated deeply into the peaks. Housing the beating heart and brain of the Party along with the massive army of administrators and bureaucrats needed to keep a planet the size of the Centre running smoothly and the impressive array of defenses necessary to keep this vital area secure. Within this vast labyrinthine complex lies a room, isolated from the rest of the bustling corridors there is a briefing room. Spacious and somewhat luxurious when compared to the usual Totalist standards, though still dull and dreadfully utilitarian to an outside perspective. It's here that the Totalist Board of Directors meets semi-regularly. As a matter of fact, the current meeting is well underway. “And to wrap up, the Cultural Commissars have been able to locate the hidden cashes in SHFR-938. We have already arrested the dissidents responsible. I expect to have the locations of their accomplices by the time I return to my office.” Director of Truth Fianecci intoned, a rare half smile on her almost reptilian features. “With the ongoing extermination of undesirable cultural elements going at full steam we estimate that it will take only a decade at the most to completely suppress any notions of unauthorized culture within the new territories.” She pressed a few keys on the table console. “The relevant documents, for any interested parties. The Directors clapped politely. “Very well, Director Fianecci.” Replied Director Dollabela-Rybalsky, the current first among equals within the Totalist hierarchy, actually managing to disguise his utter contempt for his fellow Director, the less said of their relationship the better. “And now I would like to bring the Board's attention to the situation on the front lines.” He cleared his throat. “Thanks to the efforts of the Directorate of Production, our forces are finally ready to expel the alien threat from our southern borders.” The Director smiled. “In a week our forces will be in position to counter-attack. And I will be taking direct command of the operation.” The Directors clapped politely. “Very good, Director.” Fianecci replied. “The Directorate of Truth could use good news from the front. It gets tiresome to praise last stands and strategic retreats every week.” “Oh, I assure you, Director.” Rybalksy-Dollabela glared at her. “I will destroy everything that stands in my way. Your Commissars will have their hands full once I'm done.” “My fellow Directors.” Director Shukar, in charge of foreign diplomacy, called out. “If I may intervene, it has recently come to our attention that the Collective is also engaged in aggressive campaigns against some of our neighbors. It may be in our interest to reach out to them.” “You doubt our ability to crush these pests by ourselves, Director?” Tanzin, Director of Safety and known radical, challenged his colleague. “I'm not saying that we can't.” Shukar replied carefully. “But if we were to take the initiative and form up a Coalition against this common enemy, we could make this war much cheaper and easier for us. While also securing our frontiers. At least temporarily while we deal with the bigger threat.” “The State can stand alone. The State was triumphant, the State is triumphant, the State will be triumphant” Tanzin retorted, as usual quoting Party slogans. “There's merit inn this proposal, Director Shukar.” Fianecci spoke up, several others murmured their agreements and Rybalsky-Dollabela himself was forced to admit that. And so the motion passed and the Board moved to the next subject. [b]Totalist Union. Sector 0021. System 092-B. Planet JHS-294[/b] [img]http://www.festival.co.nz/assets/images/Battlefield_remains_in_Eastern_Fr.2e16d0ba.fill-1600x800.jpg[/img] Ilika Dvarza's mouth was already watering when she grabbed the ration pouch from the storage room. The Totalist Lieutenant had just returned from a three weeks long aggressive patrol in the no man's land between the Totalist and Collective lines. Eating only hard, tasteless ration bars. When she heard that the bunker had received a shipment of direct heating rations Dvarza skipped sleep to enjoy the mystery meat before it ran out. Walking into the mess hall, the Lieutenant found a place in one of the empty tables and drew her pistol. Inserting the barrel into the designated muzzle she fired a short burst and then ripped open the pouch. Relaxing in her chair and letting her nose appreciate the scent, the Lieutenant finally started feeling the effects of those three weeks as the effects of the drugs wore off. Dvarza really was looking forward to actually sleeping for the first time in weeks. Then the bunker shook, dirt fell into the open pouch and another soldier cursed. If they were still alive then it meant the shield had held. She relaxed again, until the klaxons started blaring there was no reason to rush. So Dvarza enjoyed her meal, chewing laboriously and swallowing slowly. It was not everyday food tasted this good so one might as well enjoy it. The dirt barely registered at all. When she was halfway through the pouch the alarm started blaring. Sighing, she grabbed the remaining food and stuffed her mouth, swallowing everything in one go. Rushing out of the mess hall, the Lieutenant retrieved a small vial from her pouches. Dvarza snorted the stimulant quickly. The effects were immediate and she rushed along with the stream of soldiers converging from the other areas of the bunker. In six minutes she had already put on the vacuum-sealed helmet and had reached her unit's designated position in the trench. So far the enemy was nowhere to be seen, but the sounds of battle made it clear that other areas were already under attack. As they waited, more rounds hit the shield, creating miniature earthquakes. Then the enemy finally arrived. A mass of “Stunties”, or Homunculi-K as they were officially called, emerged from the distant mist covering the wasteland right as Dvarza's helmet HUD started warning about the incoming enemy. She wasted no time in opening fire. Their front ranks were shredded by the Totalist fire, but the advance barely slowed down. As more and more enemies climbed over the corpses of their fallen comrades. A lucky shot killed the soldier on Dvarza's left but the Lieutenant paid it no heed, already crouched in the trench, reloading her gun. When she emerged again it was to see that the Collective forces had brought even more troops. This time their actual soldiers supported by the damned walkers and heavy weapons. The Totalist artillery finally showed itself, sending clumps of Collectivist troops flying as rounds and rockets fell into the charging mob. Clouds of gas started emerging among the enemy as acid munition detonated over them. And still they kept advancing. The lines of barbed wire and the minefield did manage to buy some time however. Time in which more ammunition was hurriedly brought from inside the bunker. Dvarza's helmet, along with every other soldier in the front, was filled with propaganda by this point. Martial music accompanied boastful speeches and Party slogans were supposed to help keep up the morale. Though most veterans like Dvarza had long learned to tune it out, eventually, and focus only on the battle. The last line of barbed wire was quickly pushed aside. And with the minefield completely spent the Collectivist abominations had apparently brought even more troops to close the gap that had been formed. And in no time they were scaling the ramparts of the trench, a volley of grenades did nothing to slow them down and soon the melee had started. Knife in hand, Dvarza slashed at a bug-eyed Stuntie before it could regain its bearings before stabbing one of the back of the head of one of the larger Homunculi. A blow to her back sent her staggering forward, with her knife still stuck in the head of the alien abomination. The Lieutenant drew her pistol and fired away at the closest enemy, a twisted creature of flesh and metal. At least this time it wasn't anyone she knew. Another soldier fell on her, which fortunately got her head out of the way of a blade. Quickly regaining her bearings, Dvarza pulled out the blade stuck in the body and dodged the grasping claws of an enemy cyborg before counter-attacking with a swift stab to the head that sent it crumpling to the ground. She stepped back into the communication trench, emptying her pistol on the chaotic throng before her, not caring who or what she hit. And as she did so, a hail of heavy fire cut through the melee, Dvarza didn't knew whether it was her side or the enemy firing. Regardless, the Collective monsters were then swiftly crushed as more Totalist reinforcements rushed in, Dvarza at the front being pushed by the soldiers behind her. Picking up a bloodied rifle as soon as the melee ended, the Lieutenant took position at the lip of the trench, firing wildly at the incoming enemy. By now, the no man's land was half covered by gas and all Dvarza could see were the shadows of tanks and gunships dueling with the Collectivist's own armor trying to keep their infantry from getting surrounded. Then the radio crackled: “Do not falter, brothers and sisters!” Commissar Nigri's voice cried out, drowning the music and propaganda being transmitted on loop. “The assault from these alien abominations has been beaten back! Our glorious Black Banner troops have cut off the enemy horde! It now remains to us the task of mopping up these wretches! Onwards, soldiers of the State! The Supreme Leader orders! GO FORTH AND KILL! NO MERCY! NO PITY! NO SURVIVORS!” The troops, Dvarza included, took up the chant as they kept firing at the Collectivist forces, still advancing despite their thinning numbers, behind them more soldiers arrived to bolster the attack. Then a blinding flash and an explosion that drowned out everything else, several mushroom clouds grew out into no man's land up to the horizon. Dvarza and the rest cheered as their HUD's finally blared the assault orders, fixing her bayonet in place the Lieutenant was one of the first going over the edge. Behind her a swarm of screaming Totalist soldiers followed by their heavy armor while overhead gunships and aircraft flew at incredible speeds, unloading their deadly cargo within the ranks of the enemy.