[@Alisdragon911][@Azereiah][@Pineappletumble][@Kurisu Shiruba] Things were starting to make a little sense. Apparently this tavern simply travels through dimensions without rhyme or reason. Doorman must have stumbled into it by pure chance... probably. He took a quick glance around the room, patrons looked like they wanted drinks and he was holding them up. He just had one more important question to ask the barmaid. [color=f7941d]“Is it possible to get back to my dimension?”[/color] Before Doorman had a chance to get a response a blinding light hit him like a flash-bang. Recoiling, his hands instinctively go to cover his eyes in an fruitless attempt to help. When his sight finally returned to normal he sees a... witch? Well she had a witche's hat, what else could she be, apart from not very happy to be here. She was surrounded by luggage and, what Doorman assumed was a familiar of some kind. While his brain was still processing this, The front door to the tavern opened. Standing there taking in the scenery was a light haired person in some kind of ninja getup. [color=f7941d]“Well, this is one hell of a day.”[/color] The far too sober cowboy says to himself.