[Center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ravenswood/images/c/c2/BrockKelly.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131024203845[/img] CAIN HARTFORD 540|[url=https://endgameofthrones.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/ice_dragon_by_ironshod1.jpg]DRAGON[/url]|THE OBSERVER [Url=https://youtu.be/wYS-cc8POE0]Better Than Drugs-Skillet [/url] OCTOBER 20, LIBRA Cain is one of the only purebred dragons in the school and is an ice Drake, having grown up near where Drake did. He came to the school because he has some temper issues and tends to be extremely territorial. Classes Shifting IV Ancient Languages and Dialects Free period PE History Realms IV Coexistence with other supernaturals [/center]