[center][h1][color=Teal]Oliver Hallett[/color][/h1][/center] [@Raijinslayer] Oliver shifted in his seat as the spirit fixed him with an intense glare after it's rather alarming speech. The hair on the back on his neck stood on end as the ghost focused its will on him. For a moment he was seized with a desire to flee the room, but he banished the silly feeling. It was only a wraith in the end, very powerful though it might be unless it was possessing something it should be relatively harmless to a magi of his experience. Eyeing the uncannily solid looking blade in its hands once more he resolved to avoid provoking it anyway. This was becoming worrisome. How the devil did this creature know of the so called Grail? And of the other spirits to be summoned as well? Most perplexing. But then how much did he know about the so called Grail Artifact? That the spirit really did have knowledge of the current era nearly beggared belief, yet certainly it had conviction in what it was saying... Its claims were absurd. A wish granting artifact would be something along the lines of True Magic, and heaven knew how long it had been since anything of that sort had been seen. Why, the Clock Tower would be all over it before you could blink if it were the case. Obviously the spirit was deluded in some fashion, it was very common for the lingering departed after all... Yet the utter clarity in the spirit's eyes could not be denied. His gut feeling warred with his head for a moment before reaching an easy compromise. If even a tiny bit of what this Wraith had just said was true then that was reason enough to be on guard. At the same time though he was not about to throw the research opportunity of a lifetime out the window, especially on a few words from someone who had been dead for centuries! He would humor the spirit and keep a sharp eye out for foul play. Besides, it wasn't like he needed much of a reason to not trust a Noble Magi family. Collecting himself and meeting the creatures burning gaze once more he spoke up. [color=Teal] I... see. Well, if what you say is true this is all quite astonishing! You say that you have been summoned for a kind of tournament? That men are after our lives in the name of a prize? You will forgive me I do not jump to full attention just yet, but I will take your words to heart and keep a keen eye out. It won't be the first time that I have had snobs after my blood you see! I will be the picture of caution I assure you. At the same time you must understand that I can't discount my own information on your word alone. There is a party I must attend, a meeting of these people. If it looks like trouble I shall duck out, but I don't intend to stay away. I have invested quite a bit in this venture you know. Keep a bold face in danger, that's my motto! If I know anything of your own esteemed history then I am sure you understand. A scholar cant just leave his books to the dogs on the word of a new acquaintance, however accredited that individual is. [/color] Standing Oliver gently tucked his [color=red]NOTEBOOK[/color] under the nearby chest of drawers and gestured towards the door. [color=teal]"Give me a moment to make some coffee and we'll be off." [/color]