A bright light. That was all. That was the only thing Solveig remembered before she woke. She had to wipe blood from her eyes and her nose pained her something fierce. She dragged in a breath and looked around, remembering what had happened on the ship. The sky was framed by something and she slowly realized she was on a dinghy. It felt like she was moving and she stirred, still breathing hard, heart still beating like a wardrum. Her eyes looked across at the scene, the dinghy was being dragged onto the beach by the others. She saw Sevine and Karth, as well as a few others helping drag the boat to shore. She didn't know what beach this was, but she hoped it was near Dawnstar. She wanted to be home, but remembered home was rubble. She wanted to be with mother and father then. She was getting tired of this shit. When some bandits in odd armor emerged from a nearby cave, she felt naked without her spear and shield. Another Dunmer yelled about Morrowind Armigers. She didn't know what the fuck an Armiger was, all that mattered was they were charging towards her and the others with weapons bared. She made to stand and only stumbled and tripped over the gunwale of the dinghy. She groaned in pain after she hit the rocky beach and squirmed in her own misery, eyes screwed shut. The fighting had started and she knew if any of them got to her in this state, they'd kill her with the same effort as a shrug. She looked around, crawled on her ass to the dinghy and pulled herself up to sit against it. She took a fistful of Do'Karth's robes and tugged. As much as she hated to say it, as much as it shamed her, she was scared. She was useless and very much just waiting to die in a condition like this and Vurwe and her magic could very well be in Akavir as far as she was concerned. She looked at Karth and swallowed, trying to put steel in her voice but sounding like a crack-voiced girl either way, “Stay, please.” She croaked and then swallowed, tried to regain some damned composure, “Your unarmored ass and little stick is as useful as I am in a fight against these pricks.”