[@POOHEAD189][@Kurisu Shiruba][@Pineappletumble][@Azereiah][@Alisdragon911] Jet had noticed another person who she had no recolection of waving over at her. Barely tempered to wave back she looked at the barmaid again. Still conversing with the cowboy looking man. With a off tip of her hand, waving it slightly as if to allow the woman, if she payed a glance at the costomers, that she wanted a drink. Slightly lost in hougt a bit to much to notice the fairy boy glancing at her. Watching everybody silently was a consentating task. A flash of light made her shield her eyes against her arm. Visible distressing her until it dispated which she gave its source a in please frown. The loud, obnoxious, banging the followed suit only worsened her temper as she half heartedly watched the witch and what seemed to be her followers. When the with seemed to get her barigs another person had strode into the tavern. His eyes filled with wonder and awe as he stared at the decorations and funarture. She really wished she'd stayed outside but she had the happening to figure out if she could find somewhere safe. That wasnt something to come soon yet she hoped. A sigh excaped her lips as she continued her watching of people. [color=0054a6]" Vodka.. I need another vodka." [/color]