[quote=yoshua171] Perhaps six since I'm considering/working on the third child (who I believe is the middle sibling, and the only daughter).It's the same as asking someone to define how much damage a technique will do on average. It is necessary, at least in my opinion. So no, generally it is not needed, but since "Hell fire" is incredibly vague and just goes to say its "more powerful than normal fire" which is on its own vague, it needs to be defined.Also, there are some rather tame flames in the world. Like candles for example and yes I understand that fire jutsu is typically, if not essentially always, more impressive than a candle, it is still a valid point.Hopefully that is a satisfactory explanation.@Yog: Temperatures seem fine (as you described them), thank you. I'll glance over the others later as I was merely glancing at the thread before returning to what I was doing. Ciao. [/quote] If you hold your hand over a fire, whether it be over a candle or a stove, you will develop second degree burns. Fire is fire. If its even hotter than your common day Fire Ninjutsu, which will severely burn you upon contact, it's fair to assume that they will be able to greatly burn you. I don't think it's necessary to elaborate on something that, albeit stated vaguely, is self exclamatory. It's like saying "It's very hot" and you needing an exact temperature. If you had that exact temperature it wouldn't' change anything. It'd still be really hot. Don't ask for unnecessary details when offering critique in an application. If you wouldn't give those details yourself then it is unwise to ask for them.