[center][h1]Sanctuary Pyre[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/0d04/f/2011/089/4/3/desert_base_by_hardyguardy-d3csnpg.jpg[/img][/center] [@SomewhatAverage][@The ghost in black][@SolasReveal][@ProjectOdin][@PatrickDrummer][@drewccapp][@Polaris North] They made their way to Pyre. A short walk compared to where the other Sanctuaries lied. Pyre was the third largest among the big three; Killion, Heaven's Gate and then Pyre. Large walls ran the perimeter of the city and built into them were watchtowers, guarded by some of their best Overwatch classmen. Lining the walkways of this wall were what could only be described as a large company of Goliaths and in between every other goliath was a warlock, possibly specializing in defensive abilities. And if one looked closely, there was a caretaker for every 20 or so members of the wall. At the bottom of the wall nearest the gate, two [url=http://img06.deviantart.net/0c18/i/2013/344/4/f/marine_armor_by_alientan-d6xfdv8.jpg]Goliaths[/url] stood guard armed to the teeth with powerful weapons. In between the two was a man who kept his arms crossed in front of him. His posture was rigid but held this laxed feel about it as if he was expecting them but unsatisfied at what he saw. When they approached, they could see a look of disappointment on his face. “You’re the group that’s sanctioned by the U.N? Tch, don’t look like much.” A twitch in the mouth showed his own self-amusement at his comment. “Come on, I don’t have all day. Leviathan! Open the door.” “Yes Commander!” The commander looked up to the younger member of the wall and recieved a simple nod in response as he pushed a lever forwards opening the gates with a rumble. The man turned to the group and grinned. “Welcome to Pyre.” He turned back as the gates opened up more of the city. Massive buildings held rooms for many players while they stayed inside the sanctuary. Off to the left and right, lining the wall were vendors selling all kinds of things from exotic and rare weapon and materials down to little novelty things like new skins and abilities for characters. Further into the city were sanctioned sparring arenas that Elysium originally allowed but thanks to R3v314t1on, they were no longer allowed to be used. The Commander, as everyone seemed to call him, lead the group to a large building, guarded by a handful of men and women of different classes, surveying the immediate area. As the commander approached with the group, Goliath, Battleborne and Overwatch alike locked onto the group until the Commander waved them off in which the weapons were lowered and they resumed their watch. “As you can see people, we take no chances. If I don’t wave them off, they’ll take down whoever is with me and treat them as a hostile.” The commander glanced back at the group before gesturing for them to follow him inside. Once inside he lead them to their final destination; a room that held two others, a man wearing a black suit of armour only found in the Ice caverns of Genesis and a Goliath, a bit taller than the others they had encountered. “General, Minx.” He gave them a slight nod and moved to the side of the door, allowing them to enter and then stood in the doorway once everyone was inside. “Thank you commander. Everyone my name is Percy Jones but most call me General or G and this here is the wonderful Minxy, my trusted captain.” The goliath facepalmed and looked at the General. [color=ec008c]”No one has ever called you “G” Percy and I told you not to call me Minxy. It’s Minx and by the way, next time you think about staring at my ass I’ll rip your 1 and zeros off your digital body and make you eat the coding, perv.”[/color] If only they could see behind the faceplate they would see the anger in her eyes. His eyes went wide for a moment but then simply chuckled. “Wouldn’t want that to happen. Anyway, this is your team.” She turned to them and studied each one carefully. [color=ec008c]”Well what do I have to work with? We have an Overwatch, battleborn and a Goliath so that’s good. But three Warlocks? Three? Do any of you know healing spells? Defensive spells?”[/color] She sighed but gave a dismissive wave. [color=ec008c]”Alrighty then! The name’s Minx and as you can see I’m a Goliath class so that makes two Goliaths. That makes it easier when we get in. I don’t expect any immediate resistance from Killion but once we’re in - it’s only a matter of time.”[/color] She shrugged and turned towards the exit. “We can’t waste any time so let’s go. Any questions ask along the way.” She looked back at the group before leaving. [center][h1]Elysium: The Arc, Conference room[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/7/6035/550_max.jpg[/img][/center] Glitch sat amongst the Black Rose Syndicate, the branch of R3v314t1on that control Exodus’s city, Eon Evangel, and Mayhem, the tyrant who held most of the Sanctuaries in Genesis. Glitch had his legs crossed and his fingers interlocked, resting on his lap as he looked over everyone with a gentle yet eerie smile. “Glitch why did you call us in here?” A member of The BRS asked with mild irritation. “I assume this has to deal with that U.N group?” Another BRS member asked. “No doubt. But at least Bryn and The Red Death are on it.” Another stated in-a-matter-of-factly. “Glitch, my man, seriously. What the hell? ” Mayhem said with frustration. “Mayhem, yes. I brought you here because of that group, Project Savior as they are called.” Glitch nodded. Furrowing his brow he shook his head in confusion. “Ok? But why me?” “Your stupid Mayhem. The group was spotted in Pyre and possibly in route to you.” Said M4k0, leader of the BRS. “Please, they’re no match for me and Killion. Once they’re in they’re done.” Glitch narrowed his eyes. “That foolish thinking caused the loss of some good people in the past and if you keep with that-” “Im not some fucking expendable piece of shit I know how to handle - ARG-G-HH-HH” Mayhem’s body and voice distorted and slide apart as his health bar went ballistic. Glitch’s eyes glowed a dim neon blue with what seemed to be numbers and coding running past them. “Who are you to talk to me like that, hm? I’ll have you know that if it wasn’t for me, you would still be a lowly player clinging to whatever group he could find for survival. I suggest that you show me the respect that I deserve.” He moved forward towards Mayhem and rested his hands on his shoulders as the choatic glitch ceased on Mayhem. “Now lady and Gentlemen of the BLack Rose, I need you to send word out to RD and Bryn, Spectre was located in Solace, Exodus. About-” “About two and a half miles outside of Eon in Solace. Yes sir we are aware. We have already sent word to the two hunters. We still however have not figured out what class he is so they may compensate for the disadvantages.” “Oh there is no need M4k0. I have full confidence in their capabilities. He hasn’t earned the moniker “The Red Death” for nothing has he?” With a smirk he returned to his executive chair at the end of the table and sat back down, Cerberus by his side. [center][h1]Solace, 2 ½ miles outside Eon Evangel[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/9ecb/i/2012/056/3/b/rainy_city_by_rhinoting-d4qx7gs.jpg[/img][/center] He walked the crowded, rainy streets of Solace, passing the famous club The Void Sisters on his way to his next target, an enforcer by the name of Lanc3. He terrorized most of Solace with his ruthless and painful punishments and lethal interrogations. The man liked to take shelter in the night club he passed but going through the front would be too obvious so instead he made his way to a nearby alleyway. [i]Processing terrain...[/i] [i]”Evaluating most effective route...Route found”[/i] Rose, his simple AI returned after scanning the alleyway and building. It highlighted the best route possible to the building's roof and Spectre licked his lips and nodded as he followed the path. He shot up the wall to his left and lept up, taking hold of the ledge above as he shuffled down towards the fire escape. He gave a quick look around and swung himself back and forth until he gained enough momentum to launch himself over to the escape. Spectre climbed up into the escape and made his way up its stairwell until he reached the opposing rooftop. He could see that The Void Sister’s roof had a skylight window. Thankfully this would give him the perfect vantage point into the building's interior and hopefully over his target. TheSilentOne stepped away from the ledge by a few feet before eyeing up his jump. [i]Distance required met. Proceed[/i] He took in a deep breath and sprinted for the ledge and lept up and out over to the club’s rooftop. The arch of his jump landed him on the ledge of the intended building in the cat leap position. Spectre pulled himself up and made his way over to the fairly large skylight glass roof and peered into it his now silenced rifle scanning the room with his headpiece “vantage” in nightvision mode. [color=0072bc]”Vantage, Eagle Eye mode now.”[/color] he commanded. [i]”Eagle Eye mode activated.”[/i] A blue burst, only visible by him escaped his body and went through the building, highlighting everyone inside. Any of his targets would be marked in red, the others blue. Bringing the scope back up to his field of vision he scanned the room until he located the man. He seemed to be talking to two people, a male and female. His eyes narrowed and instead of taking the shot he slung his rifle back into its place and withdrew “Alias” along with a smoke bomb and a Jester’s Laugh. [color=0072bc]”Vantage, Eagle Eye/Thermal.”[/color] [i]EagleEye Thermal enhancement activated[/i] He pulled up his message board and sent a message to the enforcer. [center][h1]Inside The Void Sisters Nightclub[/h1][/center] [@Cinderella Man][@Experiment 249] “I’m telling you Red. The motherfucker is going around and knocking off R3v314t1on members. It’s like…”Fuck the bigwigs lemme just take out the small expendable fuckers and leave them be.” It’s beyond frustrating. But about your group. Yeah. Project Savior I keep hearing them being called. Some sort of sanctioned group of players from the government...Something like that.” The man took a swig of whiskey and placed it back on the counter. “Look any of us could be next man. I suggest you wat - What the…” He tsked as he saw a message pop up in his holographic inbox. No name was attached to it but there was simply a picture and a code. [hider=Lanc3.exc][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/a963/f/2014/065/3/d/assassins_creed_symbol_s__by_thewhitewolf12121-d794wxh.jpg[/img][/hider] He looked confused for a moment until he realized what it was but by then it was too late. Spectre dropped in the smoke bomb shortly after the Jester’s laugh followed, exploding with loud sounds of fake gunfire but enough to light the other players’ maps up like a christmas tree. Location pings were all over the inside of the club and shortly as the place turned to chaos Spectre had fired off three rounds; two hitting Lanc3 in the chest and the last in the head, wiping him off the game completely. After the kill was confirmed by the disappearance of his body the assassin darted off. He didn’t know whether the other two were friends of his but he wasn’t going to stand around and find out.