Ally was jogging around town, getting in some good cardio before heading over for training at the dojo. She already told Asuka she would be back at the dojo around 7:00 because of this, and her aunt didn't seem to mind. As she began to sprint down a concrete "straightaway" she heard a lot of noise coming from an alleyway. Her brain told her to just keep passing, but she couldn't help but stop and peek around the alley. "What the heck..." she murmured to herself as she watched the brute and boy face off. She saw the boy race at the brute and shook her head. He had no balance or coordination so she wasn't surprised when the brute dodged and countered. The boy was unguarded and the brute kicked him in the head. [i]That's not right...[/i] she thought. She didn't believe the brute was acting in self defense and she didn't believe this kid was the aggressor, even though he attacked first. Nobody so unskilled could be that idiotic. If things got out of hand, she wouldn't hesitate to step in and diffuse the situation.