The bully easily dodged the punch once again, as Kiro's got lost in his momentum, and fell to the ground beside the tall man. The two other guys laughed at him, as Kiro gritted his teeth in anger. "People like you make me sick." The bully informed, as he gave a dirty kick to Kiro's face. Hitting him while he was down. Kiro grunted, as he fell back over on his side. He felt like crying, but he held back the tears. Nothing had changed. He was a loser, and that's all he was ever going to be. "You should know your place, you runt." He told the freshman, as he placed his foot on Kiro's back, preventing him from getting up. Slowly, the bully began to add more and more pressure on the foot, as cracking sounds could be heard from Kiro's body. Kiro screamed in pain, as no matter how hard he tried, or how strong his will may have been, he couldn't do anything. All he could do was lie there, as the others laughed at him.