[center][h1][color=gold]Goldenrod Radio Tower[/color][/h1][/center] [center]The sun would rise over the bustling city of Goldenrod, the largest city in the Johto region. The sounds of the city would fill the streets as people awoke, and headed to work. The smell of food would waft out of diners and restaurants, offering breakfast at a reasonable discount. Pidgey sat on the powerlines draped across the city, going from building to buiding. All was normal in the city of Goldenrod. Except, for one special celebration today. Indeed, in every home and business, all ears were tuned to the staticy buzz of their radio, awaiting the grand reopening of the Goldenrod Radio Tower! Indeed, today was a proud day for the city. And, it was up to the new employees to make sure the first Broadcast was a great one! Inside the building itself, a janitor mopped the floors. Employees already there milled about, waiting for the final maintenance check on the elevator before they could begin their day. The lobby full, some would even have to stand outside the building! Their pokemon too, would be out and waiting. A jigglypuff standing menacingly to the side would ensure that wherever one looked, Earbuds or the like were being worn. All in all, it was as if business hadn't stopped for the old tower. And now that it was opening, business wouldn't stop any time within the foreseeable future! Finally, a ding would be heard, and people would crowd their way onto the elevators! The day had begun! The janitor, still mopping the floors would let out a chuckle. Seems things were finally going to get back to normal. Maybe he would even see a few late comers? Who knew what would happen, when literally anything could happen in the Goldenrod Radio Tower![/center]