[color=yellow][center][h1]Haru Sento[/h1][/center][/color] Coraline, Lord of flies, Demon Jack, The Shining, Phantom of the Opera, and Doctor Sleep were some of the books his favorite books before this outbreak ever happened. Now Haru was more curious about other classic horror books like Dracula and the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Well except for all the zombie stories since that was no longer Science Fiction. Ever since meeting someone rather unique in a the group so maybe this book would help Erin then again maybe not. There was similarities to the girl's multi personality but there was only two instead of several. Multi-personality disorder usually had three to six depending on the person though this was all from what the young man had read on the internet too. The guy finally decided to grab all eight just to pass the time until there was another patient come walking inside his and Erin’s nurse's office. Or at least it was theirs when they were inside. He looked around and found a bag to place the books inside that way they would be easier to carry instead of carrying them inside his arms. The teenager flung it onto his over his shoulder before walking outside toward the relaxation area to check on the man they had brought inside and fixed up.[I]Boom![/I] This was all Haru heard causing him to rush forward to see what had caused the sound. The young man got inside to see the familiar arm chair partially underneath a bus. The front tire seemed to have something on the rim and what sounded like movement inside. The teenager watched as men poored inside the high school bring along a terrible smell from the looks of it. He was just about to ask what they wanted until he noted the weapons then decided against it. A thumping sound caused the guy’s head to turn toward the new sound just in time to see one of their group had tripped but instead of getting a helping hand. The man was greeted by a knife blade forced into his head with what seemed like a chuckle or something to that effect. Then the fighting broke out so the teenager knew he needed his guns. At times like this he wished he always carried them with him at all times but then again it would have felt rather strange since they were hiding out in a high school. The young man tried to rush for his weapons until he noticed something in the corner before neatly getting shot at from behind. The guy darted toward the right just running as fast as he could even after hearing a pained scream. Still he kept running trying to get away to a safe place so that way he could double back for the guns. Someone speaking from inside a room told him that he was near other people. Haru skidded to a hold so that way he could listen and determine who was inside. The voices was to muffled to make out what they said but the question forming inside his head was what to do next. The teenager never heard Nikki coming up behind him though the flashlight in his eyes made the young man blink serval times. Next thing he heard was the woman screaming for them to move.[color=lightgreen]” What the hell? What do I look like a damsel in distress? Next person who comes to my rescue without a written invitation dies.”[/color] Clara said as the three of them ran to meet up with the others.