[quote]"How soon after we go in do the monsters usually show up?"[/quote] "It's really varied, but with the abnormality going on here, I'd expect them to pop up very soon," Lin frowned. [quote]Erebus, who had followed the group in to the maelstrom saw the fridge and the group gathered around it. He grinned and slammed in to the fridge and started to try and rock it back and forth as if something was trying to bust out.[/quote] "Whoa!! We got a live one here!" Lin exclaimed, gripping the door handle to keep the entrance from rocking too much. After some struggling, she pried it open and the group took a quick peek inside. It was like walking right into a giant-sized version of a regular white fridge, with the floors divided among three levels - the bottom for meat, the middle for leftovers, and the top for dairy and bread - plus two drawers at the bottom for fruits and vegetables. It sort of laid out like a mansion otherwise, with the food acting like furniture. Several white stairwells led up to each floor, but they were so far apart that getting to each one would be a real chore. The team would have to navigate around giant pieces of food as well, and what's worse was that most of it was already going bad. It was a good thing that the sense of smell didn't exist in Vivi-Dream, but the sight of moldy cheese, curdling milk and puffy green chicken magnified by a hundredfold was enough to make anyone go sick. "Ooooh, [b]man!![/b] This is SO not right!!" Lin shouted in revulsion as they entered, the door slamming shut behind them on its own. A large lightbulb flashed in cue to their entrance, illuminating the horrendous sight even more. "Who in their right mind would abandon perfectly good food like this!? It's absolutely atrocious! And to think that [i]three[/i] people are responsible for creating this dungeon boggles my mind! Don't you agree, Hez?" The young girl shivered and pulled her hood up, but not because she was afraid - the air was pretty chilly, which was appropriate considering where they were.