To any perspective players who see those posts above and think, "oh, this is drama, I better not." Or, who are deterred for any other reason, allow me to speak my piece. Essence was a Role play that spanned two years and 2-4 iterations, and that's not even getting into the writing Wind had done before then. What she gave the previous players was an outline. We colored it in. Though the RP had its ups and downs, as any group of people who are vastly different are won't to do, we worked beautifully together when it came down to it. Each of our brush strokes was unique, and gave life to the world as a whole. It was wonderful. The original Essence was pretty small in terms of numbers of players. People left, as they often do in RPs. It's the way of things. Those that stuck around, however, may have fought from time to time, but after the end--the completion--of S1 when the guild was back up on its feet for the most part, I personally knew that I had found a group of friends worth keeping. That's what Essence does. It brings people together. When S2 started, we as a community ran into problems that ultimately ended with the death of a great piece of literature. It didn't deserve that. For two years I worked in collaboration with about 12 people, 12 wonderfully talented writers to flesh out the world that was the Essence of our time. I wouldn't trade any of it. This RP, perspective player, deserves a chance at new life, and a new group of hands to mold it. So, give it a chance, won't you?