His feet were sore, his body exhausted, and his stomach was speaking more than a politician, but Ren continued to smile and looked for the bright side of things. "I bet Our Sensei trains us harder than the other villages get trained," Stepping over what appeared to be a bear-trap as if it had become second nature to the boy, "It must be because he wants us to be the best, it's so nice to have a Sensei who cares soo much about us!" With a cheerful tone in his voice, he continued on with his squad. Ren could barely see what was around him with all the mist, By this point most of his senses were pretty numb, and everything seemed to just come naturally as he forced his body to move to his will. "Take point?" Ren let out a small sigh, "But that position has the highest odds of stumbling onto something, or someone, You guys know I don't want to fight." He pouted and then chuckled, "But if it is to keep our little man going, I will do it!" He joyfully took his position, making sure not to set off anything whilst moving. He had already made that mistake, and it cost him his scarf, and nearly his life as well. Two lessons learned there, don't wear a scarf into a battlefield, it will be used against you, and being strangled, and dragged by said scarf did not make for a fun time. His body was certainly not ready for another ride like that. "Watch out for the explosive half a pace to the left, it might be a dud, but rather safe than sorry." He ran his hand across is sore and bruised neck, [i]10 minutes left, best not let my mind wander yet, Knowing Sensei, he was going to strike soon,[/I] as Ren would rather just surrender, he knew this training was good for them. "Not letting you get left behind, Sorry Maki, too many of your injuries came from you taking shots for me, I'd feel bad if I never got to return the favour." With his typical smile, he continued ot press on cautiously through the thick mist.