"Oh come now, 10 more coins are in it for you if you take me all the way to the tavern!" The old cart driver sneered as he simply raised his hand in defiance. "Already told ya girly, I aint goin no closer to that swampy cloud o' death. End of the road here" The figure reclining in the back, clad in a loose garment and headscarf, rose up, stretching as she hopped off the back of the cart, digging out a bag of coins, passing from one hand to another in a fluid transaction before passing into the possession of the cart's pilot. "Very well, guess I can't [i]schlep[/i] you any further." turning her back to the driver as her eyes pierced into the darkness of the night. The tavern was likely a good 13-mile trek through the mountains away still, so there was no time to waste, lest she be left behind. She was hoping to leave earlier, and make it by night, but negotiating the terms of her transport across Ruritania, the arrival had come a bit later than desired. Tired, hungry, and only arriving just at the final hairs of time, only catching a glimpse as a Knight and her subordinates made their way to a lower level, followed by two other figures. The girl made haste to follow them, knowing this must be the Knight Morro Aramato from the flier. "Selom!" She said loudly to the knight, her heavy Koraim accent becoming noticable as she spoke, "You are Morro Aramato, lo?" she asked, her eyes darking back and forth from the knight, to the wizard and the acrobat around her.