[hider=Antoinette Agreste][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmM2IyMC5RVzUwYjJsdVpYUjBaU0JCWjNKbGMzUmwuMA,,/monsieur-la-doulaise.regular.png[/img] [IMG]https://31.media.tumblr.com/d3e866b29e829173fe1ff08f14290062/tumblr_inline_na9mtlk2b81qdcm25.gif[/IMG] [color=Crimson]{[/color]"You're still so blind, even now. Evolution without courage will be the downfall of our society."[color=Crimson]}[/color] - [color=Crimson][b][u]Antoinette Agreste[/u][/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmM2IyMC5WR2hsSUVKaGMybGpjdywsLjAAAA,,/monsieur-la-doulaise.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=Crimson][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Antoinette Agreste[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Netta: feminine abbreviation of her name. Only close friends call her this. Professor Agreste: formal title. Monster: Frequently referred to by those who were morally outraged by some of her later experiments.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Code Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Antoinette never worked in the field, so she went by no official code name.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]58[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Birthdate[/u][/b][/color] [indent]22nd of November, 1981[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Role[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Scientist[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][IMG]http://25.media.tumblr.com/ca00cdd71aa19eaad0d2af45739800d4/tumblr_mwuf02o7zQ1r1p6s1o1_500.gif[/IMG] [color=Crimson]{[/color]"Don't you dare judge me. You don't have the right."[color=Crimson]}[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmM2IyMC5SR2xuWjJsdVp5QkVaV1Z3LjAAAAAA/monsieur-la-doulaise.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=Crimson][b][u]In-Depth Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Antoinette is a petite lady with an hourglass figure who holds herself with confidence and pride. While her peach skin is starting to wrinkle and sag, she doesn't let this affect her confidence and still struts around with expertly applied make up and stylish clothes. Antoinette is a woman of fine tastes, but also formality. She is usually seen wearing some form of designer fashion, favoring black and white as a colour motif. Her shoulder length blonde hair is kept slightly curled towards the end and has been lightly dyed to hide any gray hairs. When working, her hair is usually tied up into a bun to keep it out of her eyes, and she wears a pair of glasses as well as the standard lab coat with all the essentials.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Habits and Quirks[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Binge Drinker [*]Insomniac [*]Laughs when nervous [*]Fidgets when bored [*]Chain Smoker [/list] [color=Crimson][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Alcohol [*]Cigarettes [*]Experiments [*]Robots [*]Swing Dancing [/list] [color=Crimson][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Restless Sleep [*]Terrorists [*]Close Minded People [*]Cowards [*]Cocktails [/list] [color=Crimson][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Losing more people she cares about to war. [*]Not being able to make her mark upon the world. [/list] [color=Crimson][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Antoinette Agreste might be one of the most controversial members of the old Sentinels group. She was courageous, innovative and an advocate for peace and equality. She stood for everything the Sentinels believed in and was proud to have been able to help put a stop to the war. However, Antoinette's bravery in the name of science makes her quite a blunt individual with seemingly reprehensible morals. She has an egocentric aura about her that suggests she thinks of others more like tools than human beings. Antoinette is only interested in how useful a person can be to her. Her intentions are well enough, but her manipulative attitude has made her a very unpopular and detestable person among the Sentinels who knew her. Antoinette is caring, but she's a 'big picture' kind of person. She has no qualms with making sacrifices for the greater good and doesn't let her emotions drive her; at least not anymore. Her creation of the Thanatos Unit: Epsilon-12 is considered by many to be not only her most defining achievement, but also where her fearless exploration into the realms of Biological Engineering crossed the line. She is detested among the handful of sentient robots, who protested to have her removed from the Sentinels. Antoinette is unapologetic on the subject, but she has been known to show a disdain towards the Sentinels for being unappreciative of her efforts during the war. Despite that, she is still loyal to their ideals and is eager to begin working with them again.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][IMG]http://65.media.tumblr.com/971a1b662720f468b5c83772ce1ab8b6/tumblr_inline_mzoolf2xap1rwkx4n.gif[/IMG] [color=Crimson]{[/color]"Dwelling on the past doesn't change it. I'm not some fool who spends her life thinking about the 'what ifs' of my choices."[color=Crimson]}[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmM2IyMC5UM0pwWjJsdWN3LCwuMAAAAAA,/monsieur-la-doulaise.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=Crimson][b][u]Background[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Antoinette Agreste was a rather influential biological engineer who lectured at universities around the world about the rising need for robots to enhance the status of living. In particular, Antoinette's field focused on designing prosthetic enhancements for people who were born with, or acquired any physical disabilities that would prevent the full use of their body. Her technology was revolutionary and improved the lives of many. When the Emperor's Entente was created, Antoinette and her daughter Sabrina were recruited by the Sentinels to aid in ending the war. Antoinette helped soldiers who had lost limbs or worse by providing them with her mechanical replacements, while Sabrina was out on the front lines as a competent soldier under the name of 'Starfire'. The end of the war drew near, with Antoinette's assistant being a big help in their imminent victory. However before they could start celebrating, one of Sabrina's final missions ended up going horribly wrong. When Antoinette's daughter returned, she was in a bad shape. Her body had suffered numerous wounds and it became clear to all the surgeons that she would not live. Spending her last moments with her mother, Sabrina told Antoinette that she needed to be strong and that she would rest well knowing that the war was over. Yet her mother refused to accept this answer, and as her daughter slipped away in her arms she hatched a plan to bring her back. Antoinette spent the next month in her lab, putting her plan into action. Antoinette had always been interest in the science behind what could make a robot sentient. Something that should hold no thought of its own could speak and communicate as if it were a living person. Her goal was to discover the technology behind it, and wire it into the brain of her deceased daughter. It was her theory that doing so, she'd be able to spark life back into Sabrina. Antoinette preserved her body in the lab and coerced another member of the Sentinels, a sentient robot who went by the name 'Orpheus', into aiding her with her tests. However as the weeks passed, it became clear that Antoinette was not getting any closer to replicating the programming. There was no code for sentience, and even the machines who experienced it themselves could not fully understand it. In her desperation, Antoinette betrayed Orpheus and began using his own systems for her task. If she could not replicate the technology, then she had to take it for herself. News of Orpheus' disappearance did not go unquestioned, but by the time they had put the pieces together it was too late. When the other Sentinels confronted her, Antoinette's creation was complete. Sabrina's body had been modified and changed; her mind and body wired with mechanical enhancements that had been pillaged from Orpheus. However even though she was technically 'alive', what was left of Sabrina's consciousness had melded with Orpheus' programming to create a being without feelings or thought; one who only followed the commands issued to her by her creator. Antoinette, shattered that she had failed to bring back her daughter successfully, was forced to face the repercussions of what she had done. Not only was her experiment considered vastly unethical in almost every conceivable way, but it garnered a large amount of attention among the small population of sentient robots who demanded justice for Orpheus. At the time, the war was ending and the Sentinels didn't need a scandal like this. Antoinette was released from the Sentinels and forced to stand trial for her actions. Fortunately for her, there was quite a lot of prejudice against sentient robots at the time. The Jury found her charges of murder to not apply, as they did not consider Orpheus to be a living being. To them, he was just a machine. Years passed, the war ended, and Antoinette was left alone with Epsilon-12. Eventually she would come to terms with the fact that she had failed to bring her back. In a way, Epsilon-12 became her surrogate daughter. Though the cyborg would never look at Antoinette with the same love that Sabrina had. They shared the same face, but Epsilon was empty. Antoinette spent the next few years improving Epsilon-12, improving the direct control she could have on the machine. She had plans to introduce Epsilon-12 to the government so she could be given a grant to continue her research. Though everyone she appealed to knew the truth behind the creation of the Thanatos Unit, turning Antoinette down without so much as a second glance. That was until Antoinette received a letter from the Sentinels, asking for her assistance in dealing with the newfound terrorist groups. Antoinette was delighted, and felt a smug sense of satisfaction at the idea of the Sentinels being desperate enough to call her back after kicking her out.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Place of Origin[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Paris, France[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Family[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pierre Agreste, Ex-Husband. Divorced when Sabrina was young. Sabrina Agreste, Daughter. Deceased. Died during the war. Thanatos Unit: Epsilon-12. A cyborg created by reanimating Sabrina's body using the parts of the sentient robot Orpheus.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color] [indent][u]Dispatch Thanatos Unit: Epsilon-12[/u] [color=silver][i]On field missions, Antoinette sends out Epsilon-12 while she remains behind at headquarters. Epsilon-12, while most consider to be a machine, is in fact part human and does rely on functioning human organs in order to be active as well as its mechanical aspects.[/i][/color] [u]Long Distance Communication[/u] [color=silver][i]Antoinette is able to communicate globally through Epsilon-12 via a holographic projection of herself from Epsilon's Visor. This cannot be used while Epsilon-12 is engaged in combat, though Antoinette can still communicate with Epsilon while she is fighting.[/i][/color][/indent] [hider=Thanatos Unit: Epsilon-12][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/4/41/USER_Lambda-11_render.png/revision/latest?cb=20131127034458[/img][/hider] [indent][u]Gravity Distortion[/u] [color=silver][i]Epsilon-12's suit comes equipped with a Gravitation Core that allows her to manipulate the pull of gravity on herself. Epsilon-12 is able to levitate a few inches off the ground, but no more. The purpose of the Gravitation Core is to lighten the burden of her armor and allow her to move in ways that would not be possible if she wasn't as light.[/i][/color] [u]Infinite Blade Arts[/u] [color=silver][i]Passive. Epsilon-12's Resonance Blades are able to be manipulated with thought alone. Though they must remain relatively close to her or the control will slip.[/i][/color] [u]Graviton Charge[/u] [color=silver][i]Epsilon-12 directs power from her Gravitation Core into the blades along her forearms. Her next attack charges the victim with a Gravity Distortion that makes them heavier and slower for a few seconds. Each time Graviton Charge is used, it siphons power away from Epsilon-12's Gravitation Core; causing her to lose speed and become slightly heavier with each use.[/i][/color] [u]Bladesurge[/u] [color=silver][i]Can only be used on a target affected by Graviton Charge. Bladesurge triggers a gravitational pull that sends Epsilon-12 and her Resonance Blades flying to her target at high speeds. Upon arrival, Epsilon is placed at melee range with her target and Graviton Surge is removed.[/i][/color] [u]Dissonance[/u] [color=silver][i]Epsilon-12's ultimate, Dissonance, gathers an immense amount of power from her Gravitational Core and releases it in a moderate radius around Epsilon. Anything caught in the field has the pull of gravity heavily weakened against them, causing them to raise from the ground and float in place for a short duration. They can still perform actions freely, but they won't be able to move from the spot they are floating. Additionally, every target affected by Dissonance has Graviton Charge placed upon them for the duration. Epsilon-12 is able to freely Bladesurge between targets caught in Dissonance, not having to worry about reapplying Graviton Charge to them. If used at the right moment, Dissonance will give Epsilon the freedom to dance between multiple targets at once while simultaneously taking them out. Using Dissonance will heavily drain the Gravitational Core, causing Epsilon's usually fluid and fast movements to become sluggish and restricted for a large period of time afterwards.[/i][/color][/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Weapons[/u][/b][/color] [indent][u]Standard Phaser Pistol[/u] [color=silver][i]A generic weapon that Antoinette keeps on her just in case. Capable of discharging a non-lethal beam that can temporarily stun a target. Requires a brief recharge time before being able to be used again.[/i][/color] [u]Gravitational Core[/u] [color=silver][i]A device that allows the manipulation of gravity on either herself or others in specific circumstances. The Core's power is not infinite and using certain abilities drains it.[/i][/color] [u]Resonance Blades[/u] [color=silver][i]Epsilon-12 is equipped with the Resonance Blades; a set of 8 Swords that have built in machinery that responds to Epsilon's Gravitational Core and her brains wavelength. This allows her to manipulate each blade with thought alone. The blades are incredibly sturdy, and heavier than they look. Epsilon also has a pair of Resonance Blades that rest on her forearms. These are stationary, but are much lighter and can be swung at faster speeds. There is also one that is tied to the end of her long braid. This blade is the heaviest and slowest, but packs the largest punch. It is usually used as if it were a scorpion stinger. This blade is connected by a long, chain linked wire that is incredibly durable and connects to the top of Epsilon's spine.[/i][/color] [u]Thanatos Battle Suit[/u] [color=silver][i]The sleek, non-disruptive design of the Thanatos Battle suit is what allows Epsilon to be so mobile and flexible in combat whilst still adding adequate protection against most forms of attack. While a solid defense, it is not perfect and enough force will damage it. The suit is wired into Epsilon-12's body, as well as her cybernetic enhancements, to allow for total control of all its functions. This includes the large metal casings which surround her legs, which have a sharp blade running down the center all the way down the casings, curving around the bottom to form what appears to be a pair of roller blades that can be used to wall-slide combined with the Gravitational Core.[/i][/color] [u]Infrared Visor[/u] [color=silver][i]Epsilon-12's Visor allows her to track the heat signatures of opponents. This is ineffective against robotic targets. Additionally the Visor also acts as a communication device for Antoinette.[/i][/color][/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Whilst Epsilon appears cold and distant, like a regular machine, she is a Cyborg that possesses the mind of both Sabrina, Antoinette's daughter, and the sentient robot Orpheus. The clash of consciousness has subdued her ability to process emotions, but the potential is still dormant.[/indent][/hider]