[Hider=D34D-3110 - Fortress][center][h1][color=dimgray][b][u]D34D-3110[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h1][color=dimgray][b][u]"Fortress"[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [IMG]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/9/91/WM_mk1Transparent.png/revision/latest?cb=20151218173900[/IMG] [color=dimgray]{[/color]"Robots don't have feelings? Tell that to my minigun!"[color=dimgray]}[/color] - [color=dimgray][b][u]D34D-3110[/u][/b][/color][/center] [center][color=dimgray][b][u][h1]The Basics[/h1][/u][/b][/color][/center] [color=dimgray][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Series D34D, Mark 001, Unit 3110[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bolts (a friendly joke about him being a robot, which he approves. People don't usually call him bad robot-like nicknames because his series is not known for their... polite side) Human Gun (Because he can transform himself into a turret) [s]annoying piece of **** (because no one likes to go against him)[/s][/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Code Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Fortress[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]His actual age since he got his AI online is 14 years, but he has a mind like someone who's 25 years old[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Birthdate[/u][/b][/color] [indent]3th of July[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]D34D-3110 doesn't have a set gender, but 'he' sees himself as a male.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]He feels attracted to woman.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Role[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Fortress can be both attacking as a frontline soldier and defending as a turret, but mostly sticks to defending.[/indent] [center][IMG]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/c/c6/War_Machine_Expo_Reveal_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140906070222[/IMG] [color=dimgray]{[/color]"BEEP. BOOP. I. AM. A. ROBOT. BEEP. BOOP."[color=dimgray]}[/color][/center] [center][color=dimgray][h1][b][u]Digging Deep[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=dimgray][b][u]In-Depth Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]He is basicly one big hunk of metal. He has a minigun on his back, missile launchers on his shoulders and hidden underneath his chestplate, Rocket Propellors on his hands and feet and guns mounted on his lower arms. His main colors are a bit greyish black. Because he is a robot, he never changes his outfit.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Habits and Quirks[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Speaking like a stereotypical robot [*]Getting angry (he is pretty short fused) [*]Accidentily breaking stuff because he doesn't know his strength [*]'Accidentily' breaking stuff because he is angry [*]Polishing/repairing his weapon systems without even noticing [/list] [color=dimgray][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]His weapons [*]His Strength [*]His Durability [*]To kill (part of his original programming) [*]His shiny armor (Basicly, he just likes himself and killing) [/list] [color=dimgray][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]People who talk trash about him or other robots [*]People who he can't kill for some reason [*]The internet (he tried connecting to it once and scanned it. He still has nightmares about the content) [*]People who think they are smarter then him (he's a robot, only other robots can be smarter in his eyes) [*]The original goal of his creation [/list] [color=dimgray][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Water (makes him rust) [*]Thunder (makes him get electrocuted) [/list] [color=dimgray][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]D34D-3110 can be very kind if you don't make him mad. Even though his original programming makes him appear as a dead hungry mass murdering killing machine, he tries to proof people different. His original programming also includes him caring a lot about himself and not much about others, making him appear selfish at times. However, he does care about other robots like him, and tries to protect them as much as possible. His intelligence is between that of a normal D34D unit and a supercomputer, meaning he can appear very simple sometimes with very simple 'human' things, but with stuff he already knows he can be a bit mind-boggling.[/indent] [center][IMG]http://www.sideshowtoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/iron-man-2-war-machine-sixth-scale-hot-toys-feature-902615.jpg[/IMG] [color=dimgray]{[/color]"KILL CONFIRMED, KILL CONFIRMED, KILL CONFIRM- KILL CON- KILL CONFIRMED..."[color=dimgray]} - Fortress when he has a bad day[/color][/center] [center][color=dimgray][h1][b][u]Origins[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=dimgray][b][u]Background[/u][/b][/color] [indent]D34D-3110 was one of the robots that were being build by the Emperors Entente for a massive attack on the Paladin Coalition. Before his programming got into the hull, he didn't really exist yet. However, one small mutation in the programming caused him to become alive with a mind of his own. People found out about this fast and tried to shut him down. No one, not even he himself, knows what actually happened in the factory he was made in, but all they know is that it ended with a bang and afterwards the whole factory was gone. D34D-3110 was found by a scavenging scientist who got him patched up and smuggled him to the Paladin Coalition, hoping his colleagues there could help him. They repaired D34D-3110 and tweaked his programming a bit to surpress his original programming, but it still surfaces sometimes. By the time he was totally patched up, though, the war was over, and he chose to be shutdown for a long time for humanity's safety. However, he was now rebooted when the sentinels were reactivated, and he was going to be joining them.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Place of Origin[/u][/b][/color] [indent]D34D-3110 was 'born' somewhere in Russia, but it is unknown where exactly.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Family[/u][/b][/color] [indent]NONE - The only one he kinda sees as family are his fellow D34D series but he sees them as dead because they never actually 'lived' like him.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Propellor Rockets: He can use his Propellor Rockets in his feet and hands to fly, but he can only use some weapons of his arsenal while flying, as his hands are needed to steer and too heavy fire can get him out of balance. Turret Form: Fortress can change to his Turret Form to use his minigun. His minigun has a very high fire rate and ammo clip, but his movement is very perked and he can't use it while flying (obviously). Shoulder Missiles: Small missiles shot from Fortress's shoulders that have heavy impact damage, but he only has about 4 of them before he needs to reload them and the reloading takes long (this ability is the only one which can be used while both flying and floating). Missile Rain: Fortress's ult includes 16 missiles (8 on each side of his chest) which he can fire at once and are all guided by his robot mind. They individually do less damage then his shoulder missiles because they need to house tracking and steering mechanism, but they together give one hell of a punch. (Fortress can use this ability while floating, but not while flying) [/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Weapons[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Fortress uses his wrist guns as his primary weapon, but he can use his Propellor Rockets as close combat weapons as well.[/indent] [color=dimgray][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Favourite character: Bastion[/indent][/hider]