There was a certain buzz of excitement in the air around the Radio Tower. New hires, new programs, new equipment, a lot of things were “new” this day. Dozens of people were streaming into the tower, hopped up and excited to create things and to bring a bit of joy into the lives of as many Johtoans as possible. There was one person, however, who did not share in the happy mood. In fact, she was distinctly [b]un[/b]happy. One might even suggest that she was somewhat peeved, or perhaps even a little bit cross. The truth, actually, was that Gaia, the new sound engineer of Goldenrod Radio Tower, was equally terrified and pissed. The former because she half convinced, and steadily moving towards fully convinced, that she was going to be fired on her first day. She was pissed because Thera, her Joltik, was missing. Again. And if she did get fired today, it would that fuzzy little traitor’s fault. The worst part was that she didn't have time to look for the Attaching Pokemon. She had too much on her plate breaking in the new equipment in the sound booth and making sure all of it worked. “I'm gonna squash that little piece of shit,” she grumbled to herself as she flicked through various switches, her sound board lighting up. Despite her foul mood, however, a slight smile crossed her face. This was [b]her[/b] area of expertise, her queendom, and she its Goddess of Sound. Everything was going to sound perfect, because she [b]would not allow any other option.[/b] Gaia leaned towards her mike, looking through the glass at the boy in the booth she had dragged along with her on her way up the stairs. “Alright Josh, start talking. I'd like this sound check to be done before the others get here.” [@PatrickDrummer]