[quote=@Kouki] So's Elektra...and Psylocke...and Daredevil...and Iron Fist if you count him as a ninja...wait a minute, how many monks/ninja's are actually of Asian decent. I mean, I know there a many it just feels like the best known aren't actually Asian. Like, Mystique is part of the hand and so's Sabertooth, Sabertooth!? Really? How does that even happen? If that's not weird enough, he's [b]leading[/b] the [b]Japanese[/b] Branch, what the hell? Oh, and Clint Barton when he was Ronin. Also, posted! [@Chicogal]Dude, I just realized the first two to post are neighbors! [/quote] yeah and marvel is whitewashy af. i refuse to watch doctor strange because of the cast - especially since they're denying asian actors, which we need more of in hollywood, a chance.!.!.!.! [quote=@SheriffLlama] Since we have a rather special canon, is Peter Parker known as Spiderman? Not sure if we're pre/post Civil War (Heck, or if we're going off comic CW or MCU lol help) [/quote] im p sure its years after civil war but dont take my word for it ^_^