Sorry, ended up passing out last night shortly after posting the topic. You roll for your starting gold depending on the class, and multiply the roll by 10. Your characters can be a part of whichever organization/faction they want to be, aside from anything to do with the western continent. I'll be starting you all off in the central kingdom a few towns north of the capital city near the center of the continent, so for whatever reason that your characters have to be there, that's where they'll all be starting. Alternatively you could just all be adventurers or mercenaries with whatever goal in mind. I wasn't really thinking that you would all necessarily be a part of the same group; that part would be up to you. If that were preferred then some of you could be Falgarian spies since they're scouting in secret right now and causing chaos from the inside. Or from Thilsis if you wanted to go the militant route as they are currently staging invasions from the southern shore of the central kingdom (though being non-human while with Thilsis is....eeeeeh, there would need to be a convincing reason as to why). At the end of it though, I was thinking you'd all be whatever you want to be for your backstory and allegiances (within reason, of course).