[@Wick][@Demonic Angel][@Belle] [center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=131583&s=25&t=Tina%20Louise%20Lancaster&c=FF66FF[/img][/center] Tina surveyed the scene where the bus had damaged the fence knowing thankfully it was repair able with the replacement of four posts and a section of wire about ten yards wide. [color=ff66ff]" Dam Ijits just plowed on in like they was Rambo. Well I reckon I'll need to head up to municipal water an see it the have an auger, terminal posts an some ten gage nine foot cloth."[/color] she yells over to Niki standing in the blue beast's door Then she drops to the ground an walks to the front of her truck and pops two walkers with one of three alloy bats she's filled with plaster of Paris she found in the school art supplies. Once that's done she heads over to inspect the wall an doesn't like how close the idiots came to knocking out a load column. [color=ff66ff] "I can pick up the loader this trip along with the auger and later the dozer when we have better defenses. If we're lucky they'll have a hook trailer I can drag the supplies down with. They were dam fools, hell pitch in an I'd take a Republican they didn't need be thieves."[/color] says the southern blonde resting the bat she just used on her shoulder. Blood soaks her left arm from her previous encounter with a wannabe Robin hood as she steps close to Niki.