[h3][color=e4add5]Celes Elwyn[/color] and [color=fc3862]Nasir the Zoroark[/color][/h3][b]Celes' Party - [/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=f2b56f]Ranulf the Dragonite[/color], [color=a6bfe4]Mist the Dratini[/color] [b]Zoroark Illusion Status:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/7rZyV9I.png]Human[/url] [b][New Amber Town - PokéMart][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] At the prompt, Nasir hefted the small girl off his shoulders, and set her on the ground. Celes' eyes brightened as she scurried over to the counter. Looking over the Starter kit, she gasped. [color=e4add5]"Wow...! That's a lot of stuff. I really need all of this?"[/color] Looking over her shoulder, Nasir nodded in response. Turning back to face the Shop Clerk, she beamed, [color=e4add5]"Thank you, thank you!"[/color] Taking the box, Celes' would stuff the entirety of it in her large satchel. Now already trying to clamber up Nasir once more, Celes looked over the group, [color=e4add5]"Sooo.... what now? Where do we go from here?"[/color] Reluctantly, Nasir picked up the small child, and lifted her back upon his shoulders.