[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC4wZGY0MDYuUm1Ga1pXd2dUbTlpZFEsLC4w/rotulona-hand.ffp.png[/img] [h3]Drum Island[/h3] [/center] [list] Interacting: [*][@BCTheEntity] [*][@Tmitche23] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Renny] [*][@LokiLEO789] [*][@Ira] [*][@NachoBachoPacho] [/list] [hr] Fadel seemed to disappear in the midst of the raging battle, his body no where to be found. Inside the tree, he sat silently, meditating at its base. He watched from inside, using its branch's and leaves as his eyes and ears. Information filtered through his mind like a ragging storm, the tree screaming as it became a battlefield. Branch's were ripped apart, leaves crushed, its trunk scared. Fadel soothed it, calming his creation, and the screaming died down, seemingly dancing to his mental tune. The sunlight filtering in was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around him. Wind wailed between its distorted trunk, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. Lifting his face, he let the light and shadow dance across his skin. Leaves hummed and rustled, soothing him. He inhaled its minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound shaking branches. His soul merged with his creation. A consciousness was forced into the soul of the tree, an inhabited vessel ripe for the picking, gave the the tree new life. For the first time, another soul, another warmth, finally made its way into this lonely limbo. The only thing was, it seemed to be fighting him, the residual soul of the tree wished for control, but Fadel couldn't allow that. The soul ripped through the tree's, taking its conscious with it, eating at each level before extinguishing the flame of the residual soul without mercy. Slowly, Fadel opened his eyes, this tree was his creation, and he would control it like so. Through near by leaves, he watched as Dirk was launched by the large marine. Anger rushed through him, he didn't like that. The tree became an extension of himself and his will, unfortunately, the Marines didn't know that. Upon command the tree came alive, wood bending and grabbing onto the Gorilla Marines legs with an iron grip. That wasn't all, the club that the marine held was of his creation, and Fadel didn't like people taking his stuff. Dozens of whip like vines burst from the branch, grabbing onto the Marines arms and attempting to wrap around his body. If the Marine thought that was bad , hundreds of vines protruded from surrounding branches, sporting a wicked pointy tip, all aimed at the Marine. In an instant they were launched. [color=Lime]Wrath of Pan.[/color]