Name:Alexander 'Lex' J Luthor II Age: 18 Parents:Lex Luthor(father) Unkown Mother Appearance:[img][/img] Power: Highly intelligent, takes a pill that makes him stronger. He also has two suits. 1 in a black suit, that increases his strength, speed and stanima. He also has a warsuit modeled after his father. Lex also wears a kryptonite ring [hider=black suit][img][/img][/hider] [hider=War Suit][img][/img][/hider] Likes:Smart people, being the smartest person in the room, being the best, havig respect Dislikes:His dad's legay. Superman, feeling stupid, people talking down to him Personality: Lex is much more kinder then his father. He does want to help the people of eaeth and does want to save it. He desipises his father for the evils he has done. But He also like his dad. Lex hates Superman. He hates him because his dad killed himself because of a incident with Superman. Also like his dad, he feels humanity will rely on Superman and earth wont try to advace themself Bio:Lex was raised in secrecy and was taught by his ffather, and himself, as well as a few private tutors. His father would supposedly commit suicide, and Lex would inherit everything his father would own. Lex is doing his best to honor his family, name and to help people. Unknown to him his father had a secret, and it includes himself