[quote=@Howler] You people and your hiding spoilers. And nah, I wasn't trying to bring her back from the dead. What Alex is trying to do is stop her from bleeding out. Most gunshot wounds aren't actually immediately lethal so much as you put the person into shock and they bleed out quickly if you hit something like an artery or major internal organ. Alex can control blood, so as long as she's not actually dead (and he's hopped up on Neon) he can keep someone alive for a good while while someone does something like 'stop the bleeding'. Thus, if someone wants to spot him a pill (which they would have to, he's out) then he could hold her stable such that Cass might be able to do something with her. Or she dies, and it's tragic! Tragedy is legit, don't let me take it away from ya! [/quote] Yeah no you explained it well in post, I got it. Pretty sneaky and clever. ^^ *Chants* Tra-ge-dy, Tra-ge-dy, Tra-ge-dy, Tra-ge-dy Who's with me?