Kat tried to smile but it came out as more of a grimace. How did Matt know what she was thinking? [color=6ecff6]"I can't help it. I just... I wish I could just take away her pain, take it on myself. That asshole should never have touched her. The feeling of her being pulled from my arms... They ripped her away from me and there was nothing I could do Matt..."[/color] Her voice was filled with pain. It was hard to talk through the pain of a broken nose and her throat was raw from being choked by the asshole's boot. Even though she looked like a train wreck, he still kissed her. That floored her. She sat after he left, keys still in hand, in a daze. When Kat had discovered she was pregnant both she and Matt had talked and decided that Kat would raise the baby with him only visiting and helping monetarily if she needed anything for Grace. Now she found herself wondering if that had been the right choice. Was it the apocalypse that was bringing them together like this or should they have stayed together all along? She touched her lips. One thing was certain : she had felt something when he had kissed her. The same thing she had felt the night Grace was conceived. A kind of spark. Grace had woken up completely and had a large goose egg on her forehead. Kat cuddled her, kissing her gently. [color=6ecff6]"My poor baby girl. I know it hurts sweetie. I'm so sorry. It'll be better soon."[/color] Grace looked at her Mommy and started to whimper, tears welling up. No wonder, Kat's lower face was still bloody. [color=6ecff6]"It's okay Gracie. It's Mommy,"[/color] she said and opened the car door. [color=6ecff6]"Does anyone have a cloth or something I can wipe my face off with?"[/color] Kat asked then paused when she only say Nikki and Tina there. [color=6ecff6]"Where's Matt?"[/color] she asked, an edge of worry and very slight panic in her voice. The events of the day were wearing on her, making her nervous. [@Wick][@RumikoOhara]