Asuka watched Kiro try and try. She wanted to help him by giving him a suggestion, but she knew he couldn't do that. He needed to learn on his own. Just when Asuka thought they needed to quit, he found a new strategy. He got up to the top but left the weights. [i]Oh no...[/i] Her heart broke for him, but then Bokusa helped him out. She gave him a mod in thanks and watched Kiro from there. Then he held out his arm and Asuka cringed on the inside. He was holding a punch, not staying in the basic stance. [i]Maybe I confused him...[/i] She didn't correct the boy as he was still technically doing the proper stance. After five minutes, Asuka looked at Ally and nodded. Ally nodded back to Asuka and hopped onto the bar. She noticed Kiro's stance wasn't right, he was holding a full punch, not the starting position for one. "Put your hands by your hips, no punching," she corrected as she came up in a pull up, hoping Asuka wouldn't hear. Like this he would gain more strength, but she didn't think this was what Asuka wanted him to do. After a minute, she began to transition with her hands, pulling herself up, letting go of the bar, and catching herself at the last moment to create more movement for Kiro and more strain for her body. Even though this was Kiro's challenge she still planned on getting a little bit of a workout.