[b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Raion Torikumu [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: None [i][u]Gender[/u][/i]: Male [b][u]Age and date of birth[/u][/b]: 13 (19/06/463) [i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]: 14 [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] Heterosexual [i][u]Parents:[/u][/i] Habi and Kasun Torikumu [i][u]Length and build[/u][/i] 5'3", average [i][u]Weight[/u][/i] 124lbs [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Kumogakure [i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: Kumogakure [i][u]Organization[/u][/i]: Kumogakure [b][u]Clan/Bloodline[/u][/b]: None [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: Genin [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: Lightning [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [img=http://darkjade68.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/young-anime-boy.jpg?w=450] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: Young and full of energy, Raion has a rather blunt personality. The positive spin is that he's confident, with the downside being that this can sometimes come across as being tactless, even obnoxious sometimes. But he doesn't mean it, most of the time. His good heart and generally pleasant demeanor almost makes up for it. Almost. [u][b]History[/b][/u]: Long before The War and even longer before Raion was born, his family originally resided in the Land of Iron, making them adept at Kenjutsu. But due to some family dispute (the story changes depending on which family member Raion is asking), they emigrated to Kumogakure and learned how to fit in as ninjas. Since this moment of slight turmoil, the Torikumu family has known relative peace. Raion is especially blessed in the fact that both his parents survived the war and have gone on to have two more children, Kiri and Uteko (girl and boy respectively). Though there were family members lost, they usually still manage to pull in a strong group when it comes to celebrations. Raion followed in the footsteps of all others from the Torikumu family since they moved to Kumo and joined the Academy as soon as he was able. Though, as with most of those who had gone before him, he was not particularly gifted in the art of ninjutsu, barely scraping through the bare necessity in order to graduate. This along with his pitiful chakra control and low stamina meant he has barely made it to Genin rank, and so therefore is very proud of the fact. However, his immense physical speed and above-average strength almost makes up for his other lacking qualities. Almost. [i][u]Theme Song[/u][/i]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a9CaThAzlE [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b] [hider=Weapons or Items] [b]Name of Weapon:[/b] Longsword [b]Description:[/b] A relatively lightweight sword despite its length. Still slightly too heavy for Raion at his age, but he's still expected to wield it. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://www.helsinki.fi/~pjojala/Longsword_twohanded_cross.jpg] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Typical Genin-rank gear. [/hider] [b][u]Skills/Abilities[/u][/b] [i]Pros[/i] Kenjutsu: Raion's family has always been especially effective at this form of fighting, and the young boy does not intend to break this tradition. His kenjutsu is his primary ability. Taijutsu: Coming a reasonable second, though still rather sloppy and unrefined, his natural speed still makes Raion a formidable and unpredictable taijutsu user. [i]Cons[/i] Stamina: Low is one word for it. Raion relies on ending a fight quickly, looking to overwhelm opponents in one initial blaze of glory or risk becoming exhausted. Chakra Control: What chakra control? This kid still struggles to walk on water, let alone form any sort of meaningful jutsu. [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] Speed: Raion is fast. He always has been. Fastest sprinter in the school, quickest to react. This, however, is slightly undone by the fact that he can't quite channel this speed into an effective force. His swift attacks are usually done to the detriment of his own defence. And while he might be able to charge an opponent quickly, that doesn't mean he'll be able to land a decent blow. Instinctive: While lacking unique perceptions or much wisdom, Raion seems to have a knack for acting instinctively. It's whether he listens to these instincts or not that's usually the problem. [b][i][u]Custom Jutsu[/u][/i][/b] [Hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Zanraiko [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Range:[/b] Self [b]Nature Type:[/b] Lightning [b]Handseals:[/b] None [b]Description:[/b] Channels lightning chakra through the blade, causing it to cut deeper and potentially cause more damage. [b]Weakness:[/b] Due to Raion's terrible Chakra Control, he has to use the majority of his concentration on using this jutsu, meaning he won't be as dexterous or reactive when using. Only really suitable for when he has an obvious advantage, such as the opponent being stuck. ==================== [/hider]