[color=ed1c24][u][center]The Heathen Pack[/center][/u] [/color] [hider=The Alpha] [center][hider=Time Hound] [url=https://postimg.org/image/uzngf0zvl/][img]https://s32.postimg.org/uzngf0zvl/large.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Like most Americans, Riley is rather apathetic, she doesn’t really care for much. Something that would excite most, would only get a bored glance from the Spade woman. Too say the woman is clever would be an understatement, due to her size, she isn’t that strong... but with her wit she is a formidable foe. She has that , “been- there- done- that." aura around herself, almost as if she had seen everything in her short life time, and with that comes a rather cynical side of the ghoul. Riley always expects the worse, and often blames the unfortunate events that befall upon her as her bad luck; but that never dissuades the young woman. She goes full frontal at everything, she doesn’t risk her life as much as she likes too pretend she. She knows when too run and when too fight, and when she has no choice but too run or fight. When given the choice too fight, she often doesn’t go her all out, unless she has too; often she’ll toy and inspect her enemies attacks, before giving her all out. Given her current race, she has mixed feelings on both her human kind, and her Ghoulkin. She often starves herself, in an attempt too save as many lives as she can, eating just enough too survive. Even though she is strong, she is not at her fullest potential because of her dietary choices. The woman has the mindset of a warrior, always be on guard almost as if the entire world had just been a battle field. On the exterior, Riley tries too be as friendly as she can be, since moving too Tokyo she tries too keep habits of her old life out of her new life. She is friendly, and tries her best too help out others, and keep her nose out of situations. However, the interior showed at times, when she was hungry, or the unfortunate times she had too handle; this was when she was known as the Time Hound, when she welcomed the thought of death and the thought of blood and the yearning for her regret, the self destructive ghoul, and her curse too be half and deal with the conflicting thoughts. [b]Backstory[/b]: Riley, Spade had been born on December, 21st; it had been a cold night when she had been born; and her mother had been alone. Her father, her ... human father, had long left her mother. He was scum so too speak, so she would be alone that cold fateful night. The night that would change Riley’s fate, change her soul from human, to halfling. It was almost like her mother had taken on the devil himself that night, her water had broke and the cab could only go so far too the hospital, her mother decided too hobble the way too the hospital. Perhaps it had been the fresh blood, or maybe the ghoul who had attacked her mother had been starving. Riley would have tried too figure out what exactly happened, but her mother had been attacked not even five feet from the entrance of the hospital in a cold Pennslyvanian town. Her mother would have been rushed into the hospital, the entire hospital has been on cold blue, a pregnant woman attacked while in labor. Oddly enough, it wasn’t in the papers, not her mother’s attack... her mother’s death, or her miraculous birth. She had been raised in an orphanage until the time she hit five, that was when she had matured too the point her Kagune had grown, and it had activated the Ghoul blood line in her. She had destroyed the entire orphanage, devouring everyone and everything in the orphanage, from human food too.. humans, that was when she caught their attention. A group called The Spade gang, the had been a militia in a sorts, run by a ghoul, and the pawns had been humans. She had never learned how they caught wind of her, but they came a day too late. Sage Spade, the leader of the group had come personally, he had been the kind of man that could never be forgotten. No one would be able to forget that kind of evil, it almost reminded her as if it was a universal evil. He had known what she was the moment his ghoul eyes had landed on her, and from that point in she had been his protege, at first she was hardly the warrior he wanted. She would have been beaten down too almost death in most of her teachings, she dealt with things not as a child would, she had been a killer. For the first ten years of her life with him, anytime she would activate her Kagune, she would be punished severely.. he had trained her too fight like a human because that’s how you killed one. One devoured the humans like a ghoul, but too kill one as if they were a ghoul, had been insulting too ghoul kind. Sage had been the only ghoul she had been exposed too, and she knew only his cruelty, however; the humans of his militia had not been as cruel.. in fact they often defended her. They saw her as a child, but Sage had known what she was a killing machine. In her upbringing, she found too see humans and ghouls as something she should not eat, even if Sage had often forced it upon her; it was always his way. Riley grew up in the militia only knowing them, taking in the crew as her last name as the rest of the Spades would, it was almost like the main thing that made them family, ink.. not blood. The militia was a private sector and her life style, when she turned fifteen.. the day she got her mask and that day the Time Hound was born. Sage looked into her eyes, his mask had it’s own eery effect too it and he would tell her. “If they live longer then ten minutes, you lose.” and too this day she lives by that kill rule. The private sector would be hired too do the government’s dirty work, little favors for congressmen, pretty much whoever could pay them for it. She would grow too become Sage’s right hand. Rumors of the Time Hound had haunted the streets long before the American Government brought Ghoul’s too light, and alot of the ghoul terrorist attacks had been something the American government would plan. She had kept the Time Hound at bay, Sage would have clearly treated the young Riley as if she had been his lap dog, it was hard to deny the fact that she had been just as obedient and loyal as one too the cruel ghoul. Riley has no reason for her betrayal, no reason good enough for Sage, Riley simply wished too have freedom, on her twenty-fifth birthday was the day she had betrayed her leader, she would travel across the states until she was damn near chased out of the states. Sage had not taken her betrayal well and would swear his vengeance on her. This is where her story starts, now... the time she can say every action was her own, and she’d face every consequence and enjoy it’s bitter sweet stings. Moving away from the empty docks she would walk towards the crowded part of the city. Welcome home. Mask: [hider=My Hider] [url=https://postimg.org/image/4uki7yk53/][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/6db4/f/2013/118/6/f/dscf1753_2_by_jedi_with_wings-d63fmk3.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider] [b]Kagune Type:[/b] Bikaku [b]Kagune Description:[/b] Riley’s Kagune is a Bikaku, and it takes form as almost ten separate tails that are the color of blood. The tails seem too be extendable, if there is blood around(puddles, droplets, pools) the tails can move separately and use the blood almost as portals, if there i any other blood source else where they can come out of it. Once in offense mode the fine hairs on the Kagune, will bristle out and come too points like needles. These needles can be thrown or used too cut through the area. In the defensive mode, the tails will coil around her, and become incredibly hard too break. [i]Other: [/i] Riley mainly attacks as a human then a ghoul, her main weapons her guns and her daggers. There is twelve in total, and they can cut through most Ghoul flesh. She keeps the daggers at the sides of her jacket, and her guns are nested tightly into her lower back. [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][center] ~ ~ ~ [/center][/b][/color] [hider=The Beta] [center][hider=Comedy] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/1550f69c6b47275ad1ee8b4d99b9955b/tumblr_nufvo4lOhP1uywq5zo1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] [b]Personality:[/b]: Mae's attitude towards life could be described as 'efficient'. She hasn't got much patience for arrogance, self-righteousness, or weakness and is quick to call people out whenever they allow themselves to fall into one of those. She's a lot less sympathetic towards the humans than some of her fellow members of the Heathen Pack, having joined more out of hatred for the Spade Gang than love for humanity - she won't slaughter them for sport, but is happy enough to kill them if they get in her way, or to hunt them for food. She isn't proud of it, but refuses to be ashamed either. As far as she's concerned, it's just the way things have to be. She is quite cunning, and ruthless to boot. The contrast between her initial innocent appearance and her true nature can be quite jarring, only emphasised by her mask's constant grin. While her actions and attitude are found immoral by some, she is protective of her friends, with a clear head and determined attitude in a bad situation. [b]History:[/b]: Mae's parents were a pair of Ukaku ghouls native to Tokyo, and she grew up drifting between districts, together with her best friend, Nomi. The two were inseparable, doing everything together, never seeming to be apart at all. They even had their masks made to compliment each other. Mae, being the more reserved and controlled of the two, took Tragedy as her mask, while Nomi, a ball of endless optimism, took Comedy. As teenagers, they would compete with each other, always trying to outdo each other in everything. Most of the contests were fairly unbalanced, owing to their different kagunes, Nomi being a Rinkaku user, but they had fun nonetheless. As they left their home together, driving a weaker ghoul out to claim territory and started to hunt their own 'prey', their meetings became a little less cheerful in tone. Mae was prepared for killing humans, and didn't cope with it badly at all. Nomi, on the other hand, struggled to deal with it, having been much more sociable and friendly to humans from outside before. Mae's inability to understand Nomi's distress didn't help much, matter-of-fact explanations being provided in place of comfort for her friend, but Mae reasoned that she'd have to come to terms with it eventually. Nomi, however, in her vulnerable state, met with a member of the Spade Gang, and got caught up with their ideas. Eventually, they convinced her that she should give them the territory that she and Mae had claimed for themselves. Mae, having refused to listen to their propaganda, was marked to be killed - the Spade Gang telling Nomi to do it herself. When the two confronted each other, Mae won the fight, killing Nomi, but knew she had no hope of taking on the rest of the Spade Gang alone. To remind herself of the mistakes she'd made, and the events of that night, she took Nomi's mask, changing her identity from 'Tragedy' to 'Comedy'. Operating by herself, she became a thorn in the side of the Spade Gang, and one of the most feared ghouls in the city. However, Mae realised that she was never going to take them down by herself, and hearing the rumours about the Heathen Pack, she sought them out and offered her assistance. With her knowledge of the city's darkest corners, relentless willpower and ruthless perspective, she became useful ally, proving her usefulness and becoming the organisation's Beta. [b]Mask:[/b]: [hider=Mask Design] [img]http://www.storevenetianmasks.com/public/catalogue/immaginiprodotti/venice-mask-P7082239%20sfondo-0.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Kagune Type:[/b]: Ukaku [b]Kagune Description:[/b]: Dark red, Dragonfly-like wings, with two pairs, one larger and one smaller. Her larger wings are capable of firing a flurry of razor-like projectiles at incredibly high velocity to slice her enemies. This is her main tactic in a fight, her speed, agility and flying abilities allowing her to dodge around the battlefield and slice apart her opponents. Her smaller pair of wings are used as blades in melee combat, since they are more flexible and easier to move quickly than the larger ones. She prefers to avoid close-combat fighting if possible. [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][center] ~ ~ ~ [/center][/b][/color] [hider=The Gamma] [color=ed1c24][b]N/A[/b][/color] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][center] ~ ~ ~ [/center][/b][/color] [hider=The Delta] [color=ed1c24][b]N/A[/b][/color] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][center] ~ ~ ~ [/center][/b][/color] [hider=The Epsilon] [center][hider=Wolf Claw] [img]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/xDemonGhostx/AnimeBoy2.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Personality::Markus was once a normal ghoul like anyone else although ghouls aren't normal in the first place but the point is he did his best to eat little to no humans for some reason though he preferred the taste of other ghouls. Once he ate enough and became a kakuja he became in a word, crazy. He started talking to himself and to people that weren't their and whenever he did fight others he wouldn't stop till he had his fill and grew tired. Its normal for others like him to go completely crazy but he was able to keep a small bit of sanity so he could work with others. He is erratic and unbalanced but he is fiercely loyal to those that look past that about him. when he was a normal ghoul he believed that humans were good and other ghouls were more prone to be evil and let the hunger control them as a result he rarely trusted others of his kind and Markus prefers to protect the humans when possible. History:: His real name is Markus Dugan he was born as a ghoul and as such had a regular taste for human flesh but his parent taught him not to eat people and did their best to teach him why but as Markus grew he realized that he liked the taste of other ghouls more. This manifested the most when he had to defend himself against another ghoul and the other died. He was already hungry and decided to try him so it tasted good to him. His parent died when he was young and as a result he had to live on his own claimed a small piece of territory and guarded it himself staying alone and not letting others in. He stayed that way until he heard about the spade gang how they wanted humans to bow to them and Markus personality just wouldn't allow that he soon started to hunt the spade gang but he would only go after the peons they controlled as a result he never got far into taking them down. However on his 200 ghoul body he felt the change and he started to feel the immense hunger that would have drove any others mad. He hid himself away and worked on controlling himself with anything he could think of. Soon he became erratic and unable to hold any normal conversation. When he heard about the heathens though a little spark came into his mind and he thought he found others that he could follow. He didn't care if he was used like a tool he just wanted to join people that thought like he used to. After that he joined up and became Epsilon the last line of defense and the one most likely to go on a rampage... Mask:: [hider] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/204/3/a/hollow_mask_by_cassie1994-d58c694.jpg[/img] Except the teeth aren't their and the bottom part of the mask is held up by straps. (so nothing gets in the way when he eats) [/hider] Kagune Type:: [u]RINKAKU[/u] Kagune Description:: 4 arms come from the back showing 4 clawed arms. They strike with great speed and can pierce regular armor and with enough power pushed behind it can demolish walls. When put into armor it covers both my characters arms greatly increasing the power, precision. The arms are made up of RC cells that quickly harden at the tips of each arm which when looked at can be perceived as claws when attacking an enemy the arms will point forward and strike at the target with precision and power meant to strike through an opponent. When the arms are formed into becoming his armor the RC cells instead of forming from his back will form from his arm from his shoulder to the tips of his fingers this obviously lowers Markus' ability to strike at multiple opponents in a large scale fight but the trade off allows for higher concentration of power allowing Markus to bust through the toughest of steel walls. Because of this his body is open to attack but his heightened ability to regenerate heals all but the most mortal of wounds. His fighting style opens him up to be a huge attacking force in a fight but his defense is little to none making it a huge trade off. [/hider]