Kiro returned to Asuka and Ally several minutes later, as he proceeded to explain his entire situation, starting all the way back from when he went to join the karate club. He proceeded to explain his feelings of being too weak to do anything during his fight, how Ally came to his rescue, and now how Ijime was seeking out another battle because of the false rumours being spread all over the school. "That's why it took me so long to get here, Sensei Asuka." He explained to her, as he kept his head low. Just telling the story reminded Kiro just how much of a loser he really was. He was pathetic. "I'm scared to face the guy again." He felt his rib cage. "I can still feel his punches." Kiro's hands shook in fear, as he remembered the intimidating figure. "But at the same time, I can't keep hiding forever, I know that. And if they start to get impatient, they might start taking things out on people close to me. I refuse to let that happen, though." He looked up at his master, as he brought on an embarrassed smile. "I guess I'm just not quite too sure what I'm going to do." He wasn't very confident in any of his abilities learned from the dojo to help him in any sort of real fight. Come to think of it, all he truly knew was how to properly throw a punch. What was that going to get him against a trained karate student like Ijime?