[center][h3]Hyznia[/h3] [sub]Rem Vano's Estate[/sub][/center] [hr] Sulfrax didn't take the time to admire, or even acknowledge the details of Rem's home. He rushed straight to the point. After all, they couldn't spend much more time in Hyznia, if Sulfrax had has way. The arch-mage looked over his collection of scrolls, intrigued, but too focused on the task at hand to sift through Rem's research, or admit his interest aloud once more. He cleared his throat and walked towards the center of the main room, careful not to trip, or knock anything over as he tip-toed forward. "The dictator of Illon owes me a favor," Sulfrax repeated with a determined light in his eyes as he turned back to Rem, "That favor will not only grant us his armies, but an advantage over the CMAS that we desperately need. Access to his tactical forces, the seven sins." Not many had heard of Dictator Yvin's infamous strike force, but if Rem had been to Illon before, there's a chance he'd heard of it. The seven deadly sins, a masterful group of magic-less assassins that rely on espionage and guerrilla tactics to accomplish their missions. Rumors states that they've taken down entire nations outside of the quadra powers unbeknownst to the governing forces, including the CMAS. They were comparable to Hyznia's holy guard, but not in sheer strength. Rather, it was their subterfuge and use of deadly alchemical potions that gave them their edge. "We cannot take on the CMAS with a mere army. The amount of arch-mages they have under their command, several of whom may be able to trump my own magic, is astronomical. If we don't acquire the help of Yvin's men, then we will not succeed in this [i]world shifting[/i] task. Not even with the strength of 2000 divers," Sulfrax explained. He shook his head. "Normally I wouldn't dare request the aid of a stranger whom I'd met hours prior to this revelation, but as you've personally witnessed, there is a tertiary threat to us all. Those filthy [i]Gaians.[/i] They possess a power that dwarfs the common mage. If they hadn't been so [i]idiotic,[/i] I fear we wouldn't be breathing right now. So I ask that you accompany me, if only to Illon. You will have my gratitude, if nothing else."