[@Ninian] [color=662d91][h3]Jinx[/h3][/color] [color=662d91]"Riiiiiight. I'm sure 'Houndie will be along right quick."[/color] The thief look back down at the....well, the words that came to mind were 'quivering lump of human' that had until recently, he assumed, at least going from the, admittedly, pretty flash clothing and the downright bitchin' cane, a fairly coherent member of the human race. The whole thing screamed 'respectable' but not 'hey look I'm a raging bastard with money steal from me and balance the scales of cosmic justice'. And hey, he wasn't bad-looking. Some distant part of him chided him for that remark, the same part that still sighed like the most disappointed and put upon grandmothers in existence whenever he dared to have the slightest bit of [i]fun.[/i] All it seemed to say, all disapproval and exasperation was, perhaps, a moment of medical crises was not the moment to be drawing blood from one particular part of the body to another particular part of the body. ..... Okay. Maybe he shouldn't be oogling the dude who had, if he didn't miss his guess, literally passed out from pain. Let alone while his pokemon were watching. Let alone while his pokemon who could speak and possibly read minds were watching. They were watching right? ....Yeah they were probably watching. ....So no oogling. Jokes were probably a bad idea too. Going through his pockets was just in bad taste (and he did have some taste! Somewhere. Maybe.) And disinterestedly eating some donut holes was probably a bad idea too. ..... [i]Hurry up Houndoom.[/i] Thankfully, a fire alarm, some angry screaming, and a the sound of a small crowd scattering presaged the arrival of his ever-faithful Houndoom, practically galloping through the opening created by the skittish (it must be noted that Jinx, who stole things from high security vaults and dodged bullets for a living, had a strange definition of skittish that had little to do with how most of humanity, which is to say rational people, defined it. The nearest translation is 'not suicidal') crowd, medical kit...and necklace that Jinx didn't recall owning but most certainly owned now, in hand. The thief clapped his hands together. [color=662d91]"Alright alright alright! Now we're in business!"[/color] Houndoom, tail wagging, eyes gleaming with the special sort of 'aren't a little tricksie one' spark, and a slightly slobbered upon medical kit clasped in his vice-like jaws, crashed to a halt in front of the thief, and said thief's somewhat unorthodox client. With a devil-may-care-but-I-most-certainly-do-not smile, Jinx kneeled down and pried the kit from his partner-in-crimes mouth...and silently pocketed the necklace. With a mouthed [color=662d91]"Good boy"[/color], Jinx stood back up and...well, did his best to channel the docs on that soap opera he watched whenever he was [i]unbearably bored.[/i] First thing first. The legged looked a bit..rigid. Rod. Probably had a rod in it. So no broken bones to worry about. That's good. (Lucky thing he'd faked something like that as a cover story-metal detectors were truly, a sign that evil existed upon this world) So. The problem really was pain. With a sympathetic 'tch', Jinx clicked open the kit and grabbed a syringe of that drug that had become his best friend whenever he had to contend with the countless small cuts that came with jumping through a window. IF you thought paper cuts were bad.... Well. Still probably wasn't as bad as what this poor SOB had to go through. He'd need to find a vein. Nearer to the source of what was presumably unbearable pain, the better. ..... Well. His pokemon were either going to be understanding, or they were going to kill him for this. Without a word, Jinx rolled up the unfortunate trainer's pant leg, felt a few moments for a vein-and then commenced with everyone's childhood nightmare. Okay. Painkillers covered. Now he needed to bandage it up a bit. [color=662d91]"So. Bad news."[/color] He said, to the man in unbearable pain and all-around incapable of hearing him. [color=662d91]"I uh, don't really have the luxury of picking and choosing what kinda bandages I get. Picked this up a children's hospital. I uh, hope you like rainbows and obscenely cute pokemon. Because...well." [/color] He pulled a roll of bandages, decorated with patterns that might be fairly called 'disgustingly cute'. "Yeah...." Rather then carry on the painfully one-sided conversation, the thief just started to make his [i]client's[/i] leg possibly the most untastefully decorated thing in the entire airport. [color=662d91]"And...there. I've got some ice too. If that doesn't do it....and you can't hear me at all and I'm going crazy. Neat."[/color] Jinx turned to regard the as-yet-unnamed client's pokemon. [color=662d91]"So uh, he's still not gonna be walking out of here. And I sorta consider this an investment. I can, y'know, carry him if you like."[/color] .....Honestly he really just wanted to see the guy's face when he woke up and saw the bandages on his leg. That was going on the 'net.