[b]SPETEMBER 20, TUESDAY, THE NEXT DAY [/b] Damien, Skip, and, Kenyon all sat together at lunch. Damien and Skip had their usual hoodies and shoes on with faded Abercrombie jeans. Kenyon had on sweat pants and a red hoodie and some orange KD's, he had short buzzed kinked hair and a thin mustache and a face that made him look older than he actually is.He was a junior and had played basketball at Willow Brook since eighth grade. He was the same height as Damien but was stockier and thicker, as he spent most of his weekend time in the gym hitting heavyweights. They had all finished their lunch and were chatting away. Kenyon snorted and said,"So Romeo did you win the new girls heart yet?" Skip smiled and responded,"Well not per se' but she'll come around.We went out for pizza and I asked her to homecoming." Damien raised his eyebrow at Skip,"A month in advance?" Skip shrugged and replied,"Hey a fine little fireball like her is bound to get plenty of offers by next month I betcha'." Kenyon snorted again,"And they'll all beat you out." Skip held is hand up to Kenyon's face and said,"Do not throw your jealous energy my way young man.Your just mad you don't have a shot with her." "Niether do you."Kenyon said flatly resulting in laughter from Damien. Damien turned looked around until he saw her, she was sitting with Amanda and Tamisha. He stood and said,"Scuze' me fellas I almost forgot I have another engagement."He finished with a smile. He headed over to the three girls table. Tamisha was speaking to Mary about how she should join the cheer squad and how much fun they all had when she saw Damien coming. "Uh-oh Mary here comes your friend."She said with a joking smile.