[h1]Atop a mountain on the northern border of the Qaelun vale...[/h1] Bishop Anfonz Rigo looked through the his spyglass, gazing up at the star of the north. He had been at this work for several hours now, observing long into the night. This was the most recent in a long series of observations, stretching back several months. The clergyman would set out from his parish, or a day at court, and be alone with his thoughts and observations. Next to his tethered horse, a journal lay open atop a large rock, several feet away, with quill laid atop it to make notes. The Bishop himself was well enveloped in a thick woolen cloak, as black as the night around him. Especially this high into the mountains, it was bitter cold. And yet the the altitude made for the best observations. The Bishop peered through the spyglass intently, paying special attention to the apparent blinking of the star. [i] Perhaps it is the aether...moving so quickly as to obscure and just as quickly unobscure the star. Perhaps we only see it through gaps in the aether?[/i] The Bishop frowned, dissatisfied with his reasoning. As he contemplated his thoughts, the silence was broken by the clatter of hooves coming up a mountain trail. [i]Who would come out here? This trail is scarce enough used, let alone at this hour.[/i] A cloaked figure atop a well-bred white mare approached. The Bishop recognized the horse immediately, and addressed it's rider. "Sir Canto, I welcome your company, but can this not wait? I am at my observations!" The rider dismounted and threw back his hood, to reveal the weathered and balding old man beneath it. A jagged scar ran across the length of his chin on the left side, where he had narrowly escaped beheading by a Timluk soldier on the field of battle. This scar pained him in the bitter cold of the night, as the ice seemed to seep into his old wound. "You know I would leave you to your peace if at all possible." He reaches into the folds of his cloak and produces an envelope, closed with the seal of The Church. "This came for you, I think we both know what it is, given the death of the Supreme Pontiff." Even in this backwater, word of the momentous event had already spread. The young priest nodded grimly and took the letter, breaking open the seal and quickly skimming it's contents. "It is as you say. I am to attend the election..." The old knight grasped the Bishop by his shoulder. "Listen, I know you someone must attend, but let us send someone else in your stead. Please..." The Bishop shook his head. "Impossible. This land is of little note as is. I carry a certain reputation within The Church. It is expected that I be present." The Knight tightened his grip on the young man's shoulder. "Please. You are the only other voice of reason at court. With you gone, and the earl indisposed, Lady Joyce will further poison the court. You are the only one talking any sense. Please, I need you here." The priest grabs the steward's arm and removes it from where it rests. "You know I cannot stay. I am sorry." He pauses for a moment. "Please, leave me to my study." The old man sighs and not another word is said. He draws up his hood, remounting his horse and lighting a lantern to guide his way down the broken path of the mountain trail. The priest watches him go, for a while. The guilt eats away at him. He truly does feel for the plight of his friend, but his obligations are to God first. He watches him go, as he sees the lantern begin to shimmer and fade with distance. [i]Shimmering...blinking![/i] He quickly pulls out his spyglass, looking first at the Sir Canto's lantern and then at the stars. [i]The blinking is the same![/i] He hurries toward his book and hastily scribbles his findings. [i] The stars...are made of fire! Like the lantern, the stars are burning![/i] [hider=Summary]Bishop Anfonz Rigo studies that stars and is interrupted by Sir Canto. Bishop Rigo is to attend the election, while Sir Canto is forced to hold things together at home. Bishop Rigo makes a scientific discovery.[/hider]